形容词 (Adjective) 1. 光荣的,荣耀的 (having great honor or distinction) - He won a glorious victory in the battle. 他在战斗中取得了辉煌的胜利。 2. 壮丽的,辉煌的 (having great beauty or splendor) - The sunset painted the sky in glorious colors. 夕阳用辉煌的颜色将天空点缀得美丽无比。 3. 美好的,令人愉快的 (bringing great joy or happiness) - We spent a glorious day at the beach. 我们在海滩度过了一个愉快的一天。 名词 (Noun) 1. 光荣,荣耀 (magnificence or great beauty) - The statue commemorates the glory of the fallen soldiers. 这座雕像纪念了阵亡士兵的荣耀。 2. 赞美,崇拜 (adoration or praise) - She basked in the glory of her success. 她陶醉在自己的成功中。 3. 光辉,光彩 (brilliant or radiant light) - The morning sun cast a golden glory over the landscape. 早晨的太阳将金色的光辉洒在了大地上。 4. 壮丽景色,辉煌 (magnificence or splendor) - The ballroom was decorated in all its glory for the event. 舞厅为这个活动装饰得非常华丽。词语辨析 (Word Differentiation)
- glory vs fame: + glory 强调荣耀和光荣的感觉,通常与个人的成就或功绩相关。 + fame 则更多地指人们对某人或某事的认可和知名度。 - glory vs honor: + glory 表示对某人或某事的高度称赞和崇拜,是一种外部的表彰和赞美。 + honor 指对某人的尊重和崇敬,是一种内在的价值观和道德准则。词汇扩充 (Vocabulary Expansion)
- gloriousness (名词): 光荣,荣耀 - glorify (动词): 赞美,美化 - glorification (名词): 赞美,美化 - glorified (形容词): 被赞美的,受美化的近义词 (Synonyms)
- honor: 荣耀,尊重 - majesty: 威严,庄严 - renown: 名望,声誉 - praise: 赞美,称赞反义词 (Antonyms)
- shame: 耻辱,羞耻 - disgrace: 耻辱,丢脸柯林斯词典 (Collins Dictionary)
glory (名词) 1. If you say that something is a glory, you mean that it is a wonderful or beautiful thing. - The house and gardens are a glory and are open to the public. 这座房子和花园美得令人惊叹,并对公众开放。 2. Glory is the fame and admiration that you gain by doing something impressive. - His one aim in life is to win glory. 他的一生目标就是赢得荣誉。 3. If you say that someone is glorying in something, you mean that they are deriving a great deal of pleasure or satisfaction from it. - He was glorying in his first major success. 他为自己的首个重大成功而沾沾自喜。 glory (动词) 1. If you glory in a situation or activity, you enjoy it and take great pleasure in it. - He gloried in battle. 他热衷于战斗。牛津词典 (Oxford Dictionary)
glory (名词) 1. High renown or honor won by notable achievements. - To strive for glory. 力求荣耀。 2. Magnificence or great beauty. - The glory of a sunset. 日落的壮丽景色。 3. A state of absolute happiness, gratification, or exaltation. - Basking in the glory of her success. 沉浸在成功的荣耀中。 4. A highly praiseworthy asset. - The glory of the empire. 帝国的荣耀。 glory (动词) 1. Revel in or take great pride or pleasure from. - Glorying in one's triumph. 沾沾自喜于自己的胜利。 2. To exult with triumph; rejoice proudly. - Glorying in their country's success. 为国家的成功而自豪地庆祝。用法 (Usage)
- The Olympic athletes compete for glory and national pride. 奥运会运动员为荣誉和国家自豪而竞争。 - She achieved glory by winning the prestigious award. 她通过赢得这个崇高的奖项而取得了荣誉。 - The cathedral is a glorious example of Gothic architecture. 这座大教堂是哥特式建筑的一个辉煌范例。 - The victorious team celebrated their glorious triumph. 胜利的队伍庆祝他们辉煌的胜利。 - His paintings capture the gloriousness of nature. 他的画作捕捉到了大自然的辉煌之美。 - The soldiers fought with glory and honor. 士兵们以荣耀和尊严战斗。 - The king was glorified as a hero by his subjects. 国王被臣民们奉为英雄。例句 (Examples)
- The glory of the morning sun illuminated the valley.
- 这个清晨阳光的光辉照亮了山谷。
- The marathon runner basked in the glory of crossing the finish line.
- 马拉松选手沉浸在跨过终点线的荣耀之中。
- She achieved glory by winning the Nobel Prize.
- 她通过获得诺贝尔奖而取得了荣耀。
- The ancient civilization left behind a legacy of glorious architecture.
- 古代文明留下了辉煌的建筑遗产。
- He was filled with glory after his team won the championship.
- 在他的球队赢得冠军后,他充满了荣耀。
- The artist's masterpiece was a glory to behold.
- 艺术家的杰作令人赞叹不已。
- The nation celebrated the glorious return of their Olympic champions.
- 这个国家庆祝他们奥运冠军的辉煌归来。
- She gloried in her children's achievements.
- 她为自己孩子的成就感到自豪。
- The soldiers fought with glory and honor.
- 士兵们以荣耀和尊严战斗。
- The singer's performance was a glorious display of talent.
- 歌手的表演是才华的辉煌展示。
- He glorified his ancestors by writing a book about their achievements.
- 他通过写一本关于祖先成就的书来赞美他们。
- They were glorying in their team's victory.
- 他们为自己队伍的胜利而沾沾自喜。
- The beauty of the sunset filled them with glory.
- 夕阳的美景让他们感到无比荣耀。
- The glory of nature can be seen in the majestic mountains and sparkling lakes.
- 大自然的光辉可以从雄伟的山脉和闪烁的湖泊中看到。
- They glorified the achievements of their sports heroes.
- 他们赞美了自己的运动英雄的成就。
- The team's glorious victory was celebrated by their fans.
- 球队辉煌的胜利受到了球迷们的庆祝。
- The artist's paintings were a glorification of everyday life.
- 艺术家的画作美化了日常生活。
- They were determined to achieve glory for their country.
- 他们决心为国家争取荣耀。
- The general led his troops to glorious victory.
- 将军带领他的部队取得了辉煌的胜利。
- The gloriousness of the sunrise filled them with awe.
- 日出的辉煌让他们充满了敬畏之情。
- She was glorified as a national hero.
- 她被赞誉为国家的英雄。