1. 被劫持的;被绑架的
1. The abduct victims were held captive for several days. (被绑架的受害者被囚禁了几天。)
2. The abduct child was found unharmed. (被绑架的孩子被发现时没有受伤。)
1. 绑架;劫持
1. The abduct of the heiress shocked the nation. (绑架这位女继承人震惊了全国。)
2. The police are investigating the case of the child abduct. (警方正在调查绑架儿童的案件。)
1. abductor:绑匪;绑架者
2. abduction:绑架;劫持
3. abductee:被绑架者;被劫持者
seize, capture, snatch
release, liberate, free
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
If someone is abducted by another person, he or she is taken away illegally, usually using force.
Latin abducere "to lead away"
1. He was abducted by terrorists on his way to the airport. (他在去机场的路上被恐怖分子绑架。)
2. The child was abducted from her home. (这个孩子被从家里绑架走了。)
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionaries)
Take (someone) away illegally by force or deception; kidnap.
Late 19th century: from Latin abduct- 'led away', from the verb abducere, from ab- 'away' + ducere 'to lead'.
1. The diplomat was abducted and held hostage for several months. (这位外交官被绑架并被扣为人质了数月。)
2. They were planning to abduct the businessman's wife for ransom. (他们计划绑架这位商人的妻子以勒索赎金。)
1. abduct someone
1. The criminal abducted the child and demanded a ransom.
2. She was abducted from her own home and taken to a remote location.
2. abduct someone from somewhere
1. The tourists were abducted from the hotel and held captive for days.
2. The victim was abducted from a busy street in broad daylight.
3. abduct someone for something
1. The millionaire's son was abducted for a hefty ransom.
2. The gang abducted him for his knowledge of their criminal activities.
- The abduct victims were held captive for several days. (被绑架的受害者被囚禁了几天。)
- The abduct child was found unharmed. (被绑架的孩子被发现时没有受伤。)
- The abduct of the heiress shocked the nation. (绑架这位女继承人震惊了全国。)
- The police are investigating the case of the child abduct. (警方正在调查绑架儿童的案件。)
- He was abducted by terrorists on his way to the airport. (他在去机场的路上被恐怖分子绑架。)
- The child was abducted from her home. (这个孩子被从家里绑架走了。)
- The diplomat was abducted and held hostage for several months. (这位外交官被绑架并被扣为人质了数月。)
- They were planning to abduct the businessman's wife for ransom. (他们计划绑架这位商人的妻子以勒索赎金。)
- The criminal abducted the child and demanded a ransom. (罪犯绑架了孩子并要求赎金。)
- She was abducted from her own home and taken to a remote location. (她被从自己的家中绑架并带到了一个偏远地点。)
- The tourists were abducted from the hotel and held captive for days. (游客们被从酒店绑架并被囚禁数天。)
- The victim was abducted from a busy street in broad daylight. (受害者在大白天从繁忙的街道上被绑架。)
- The millionaire's son was abducted for a hefty ransom. (这位百万富翁的儿子被绑架以勒索高额赎金。)
- The gang abducted him for his knowledge of their criminal activities. (这个团伙绑架他是因为他知道他们的犯罪活动。)
- Abductors targeted the wealthy businessman's family for their financial gain. (绑匪以经济利益为目的选择了这位富商的家庭作为目标。)
- The police managed to track down and apprehend the abductors. (警方成功追踪并逮捕了绑匪。)
- The abductee was finally rescued by a courageous neighbor who heard her cries for help. (绑架受害者最终被一位勇敢的邻居听到她的求救声救出。)
- The abductor demanded a ransom for the safe release of the kidnapped child. (绑架者要求支付赎金以安全释放被绑架的孩子。)
- The family was devastated by the news of their daughter's abduction. (这个家庭因得知女儿被绑架的消息而心力交瘁。)
- The abductors left behind a ransom note demanding a large sum of money. (绑匪留下了一张勒索信,要求支付一大笔钱。)
- The abductors threatened to harm the hostage if their demands were not met. (绑匪威胁说如果不满足他们的要求就会伤害人质。)
- Authorities are working tirelessly to locate and apprehend the abductors. (当局正在不懈努力地追踪和逮捕绑匪。)