形容词 (Adjective)
1. recipe /ˈrɛsɪpi/ - 形容词 - 描述与食谱相关的事物或特征的。
2. recipeless /ˈrɛsɪpiləs/ - 形容词 - 没有食谱的,没有明确指导的。
名词 (Noun)
1. recipe /ˈrɛsɪpi/ - 可数名词 - 指导烹饪食物的一组步骤和材料。
2. recipes /ˈrɛsɪpiz/ - 可数名词 - 多个食谱的集合。
词语辨析 (Differentiation)
1. formula - 可数名词 - 通常用于描述化学、数学或逻辑等方面的准确步骤。
2. instructions - 可数名词 - 通常用于描述如何操作或执行某个任务的详细指导。
词汇扩充 (Vocabulary Extension)
1. recipe book - 可数名词 - 食谱书。
2. recipe card - 可数名词 - 食谱卡片。
3. recipe collection - 可数名词 - 食谱合集。
4. traditional recipe - 可数名词 - 传统食谱。
5. secret recipe - 可数名词 - 秘密食谱。
近义词 (Synonyms)
1. formula
2. method
3. procedure
4. instructions
5. directions
反义词 (Antonyms)
1. improvisation
2. spontaneity
3. guesswork
recipes (名词) - 食谱的复数形式。食谱是一组指导烹饪食物的步骤和材料的详细说明。
recipes (名词) - 食谱的复数形式。食谱是一组指导烹饪食物的步骤和材料的详细说明。
1. The recipe for chocolate cake calls for butter, sugar, eggs, flour, and cocoa powder.
2. She follows her grandmother's recipe to make the best spaghetti sauce.
3. This recipe is easy to follow, even for beginners.
4. I'm looking for new recipes to try for dinner.
5. The secret recipe for their famous fried chicken has been passed down for generations.
6. Can you share your recipe for homemade bread?
7. She wrote down the recipe in her notebook so she wouldn't forget it.
8. I experimented with the recipe and added some extra spices for more flavor.
9. This recipe serves four people.
10. Do you have any vegetarian recipes?
11. The famous chef shared his secret recipes with the audience.
12. I followed the recipe exactly, but the cake didn't turn out as expected.
13. The cookbook contains a variety of delicious recipes from around the world.
14. The recipe calls for fresh herbs, but you can use dried ones if you don't have fresh.
15. I added my own twist to the recipe by adding a hint of cinnamon.
16. She shared her recipe for success with the aspiring entrepreneurs.
17. The recipe suggests baking the cookies for 10-12 minutes.
18. I followed the recipe step by step and the dish turned out perfectly.
19. The recipe requires a cup of milk, but you can substitute it with almond milk if you prefer.
20. She shared her family's treasured recipe for apple pie.