- 严密地,接近地
- 亲密地,紧密地
- 密切地,仔细地
- 紧凑地
- 亲密,紧密
intimately, tightly, narrowly, carefully, attentively
loosely, distantly, vaguely
closely (副词)
1. If you look, listen, or examine something closely, you do it very carefully. 仔细地
2. If you work or cooperate closely with someone, you work together and help each other. 密切地
3. If something happens closely after or before something else, the two things happen with very little time between them. 紧接着地
4. If you are closely connected or involved with something or someone, you have a strong relationship with them. 亲密地
5. If you keep closely to a particular subject or point, you do not change the subject or point. 紧紧地
closely (副词)
1. In a way that involves careful attention to detail. 仔细地
2. In a way that is intimate or friendly. 亲密地
3. In a way that shows a strong connection or relationship. 密切地
4. In a way that is almost the same as something else or is likely to change into that thing. 接近地
5. In a way that is strict or severe. 严密地
- I watched closely as she picked up the delicate china teacup. (我仔细地看着她拿起了精致的瓷茶杯。)
- The two countries have worked closely together on this project. (这两个国家在这个项目上紧密合作。)
- The accident happened closely after he left the house. (事故发生在他离开房子后不久。)
- She is closely connected to the royal family. (她与皇室有着密切的关系。)
- The discussion will focus closely on the main topic. (讨论将紧密围绕主题展开。)
- I examined the document closely, looking for any errors. (我仔细检查了这份文件,寻找任何错误。)
- The two friends walked closely together, arm in arm. (两位朋友亲密地并肩走着。)
- He kept his eyes closely fixed on the road ahead. (他紧紧盯着前方的道路。)
- The two buildings are closely similar in design. (这两座建筑的设计非常相似。)
- The suspect was closely questioned by the police. (嫌疑人受到了警方的密切审问。)
- The two teams are closely matched in skill and ability. (这两个团队在技能和能力上非常匹配。)
- The soldiers formed a closely-knit group. (士兵们组成了一个紧密结合的小组。)
- The population closely followed the news of the election. (人们密切关注选举的新闻。)
- The CEO keeps a closely guarded secret about the company's future plans. (首席执行官对公司未来计划保持着严密的保密。)
- He was watching her closely, trying to figure out her true intentions. (他紧密地盯着她,试图弄清她的真实意图。)
- She followed the recipe closely to ensure the dish turned out perfectly. (她严格按照食谱做菜,以确保菜肴完美无瑕。)
- He listened closely to every word she said. (他仔细听着她说的每个字。)
- The two companies are closely associated in the business world. (这两家公司在商业界有着密切的联系。)
- They sat closely together on the park bench, enjoying the warm sunshine. (他们紧紧地坐在公园的长凳上,享受着温暖的阳光。)
- Their opinions closely coincide on this issue. (他们在这个问题上的观点非常一致。)
- The team worked closely with the local community to complete the project. (团队与当地社区紧密合作,完成了这个项目。)