appealing (adj.) 迷人的,吸引人的,有吸引力的 appealed (adj.) 求助的,被请求的 appealingly (adv.) 迷人地,动人地,引人注目地名词
appeal (n.) 呼吁,恳求,申诉,吸引力,魅力 appeals (n.) 上诉,上诉请求 appealer (n.) 上诉人,上诉者 appealingness (n.) 吸引力,诉请词语辨析
appeal to 对...有吸引力,呼吁,恳求 appeal against 上诉,反对 appeal for 呼吁,恳求词汇扩充
appealable (adj.) 可上诉的 appealer (n.) 上诉人,上诉者 appealingly (adv.) 迷人地,动人地,引人注目地近义词
attraction (n.) 吸引力,吸引物 charm (n.) 魅力,吸引力 allure (n.) 诱惑,吸引力 entreaty (n.) 恳求,请求反义词
repel (v.) 排斥,击退,拒绝柯林斯词典
appeal (verb) 呼吁,恳求,上诉,上诉请求,吸引 appeal (noun) 呼吁,恳求,上诉,上诉请求,吸引力牛津词典
appeal (verb) 呼吁,请求,上诉,吸引 appeal (noun) 呼吁,请求,上诉,吸引力用法
- The charity made an appeal for donations to help those affected by the earthquake. (名词) 这个慈善机构呼吁捐款来帮助地震受灾者。 - The lawyer plans to appeal against the court's decision. (动词) 律师计划对法院的裁决提出上诉。 - The new perfume has a strong appeal to young people. (名词) 这款新香水对年轻人有很大的吸引力。例句
- His speech appealed to the emotions of the audience. 他的演讲打动了观众的情感。
- The company launched a new marketing campaign to make their products more appealing to younger consumers. 公司推出了一项新的市场营销活动,使他们的产品对年轻消费者更有吸引力。
- The child appealed for help when he got lost in the busy shopping mall. 这个孩子在繁忙的购物中心迷路时呼救。
- The appeal of the movie lies in its unique storyline and excellent performances. 这部电影的吸引力在于其独特的故事情节和出色的表演。
- The organization launched an appeal to raise funds for children in need. 该组织发起了一项募捐活动,为有需要的儿童筹集资金。
- He decided to appeal against the court's decision and seek a higher judgment. 他决定上诉法院的裁决,并寻求更高的判决。
- The young actress has a natural appeal that attracts audiences of all ages. 这位年轻女演员有着自然的吸引力,吸引着各个年龄段的观众。
- The defendant's appeal was rejected by the higher court. 被告的上诉在上级法院被驳回。
- The appeal for peace was echoed by people from all walks of life. 和平的呼吁得到了各行各业人们的共鸣。
- She made a heartfelt appeal to the public for information about her missing daughter. 她对公众发出了真诚的呼吁,希望能获得关于她失踪女儿的信息。
- The defendant's lawyers appealed to the jury for leniency. 被告的律师请求陪审团宽大处理。
- The beauty of the painting appeals to art enthusiasts around the world. 这幅画的美丽吸引了全球的艺术爱好者。
- The defendant's appeal was successful, and his sentence was reduced. 被告的上诉成功,判决被减轻。
- The organization provides appeals for legal aid to those who cannot afford a lawyer. 该组织为那些无力支付律师费的人提供法律援助申请。
- The celebrity's appealingly humble personality gained her a wide fan base. 这位名人迷人而谦逊的个性使她获得了广泛的粉丝群体。
- The new restaurant has a modern design that is appealing to young urban professionals. 这家新餐厅具有现代设计,吸引了年轻的城市专业人士。
- The defendant appealed to the Supreme Court after the lower court's ruling. 在下级法院的裁决后,被告向最高法院提出了上诉。
- The appealingness of the advertisement led to a significant increase in sales. 广告的吸引力导致销售额显著增长。
- The charity's appeals for donations received an overwhelming response from the public. 慈善机构对捐款的呼吁得到了公众的压倒性回应。
- The defendant's appeal was dismissed by the court, and the original verdict was upheld. 法院驳回了被告的上诉,维持了原判决。