roughness, coarseness, unevenness这三个词都有“粗糙、不平”的意思,但用法和搭配有所不同。
roughness, unevenness, ruggedness, coarseness, harshness
smoothness, fineness, evenness, gentleness
roughness (noun)
1. The roughness of something is the fact that it is not smooth or even.
2. If you talk about the roughness of a person or their behavior, you mean that they behave in a rude or violent way.
roughness (noun)
1. The quality or state of being rough.
2. (of a person or their behavior) lack of refinement; rudeness.
1. The roughness of the sandpaper made it difficult to smooth the surface.
2. She was taken aback by the roughness of his language.
3. The roughness of the road caused the car to bounce around.
4. The roughness of his hands indicated years of physical labor.
5. The roughness of the sea made sailing treacherous.
6. Despite his roughness, he had a kind heart.
7. The roughness of the bark made it difficult to climb the tree.
1. The roughness of the bark made it uncomfortable to lean against the tree. 树皮的粗糙使得靠在树上感到不舒服。
2. The roughness of the road caused the bicycle to shake. 道路的不平坦使得自行车晃动。
3. The roughness of his tone indicated his anger. 他语气的粗糙表明了他的愤怒。
4. The roughness of the wall made it difficult to paint smoothly. 墙面的粗糙使得涂漆不够平滑。
5. Despite his roughness, he had a tender touch when caring for animals. 尽管他粗糙,但他在照顾动物时很温柔。
6. The roughness of his handwriting made it hard to read. 他字迹的粗糙使得很难读懂。
7. The roughness of the fabric irritated her skin. 织物的粗糙使她的皮肤感到不适。
8. The roughness of the sea made the boat rock violently. 海面的粗糙使得船只猛烈晃动。
9. The roughness of the terrain made hiking challenging. 地形的崎岖使得徒步旅行具有挑战性。
10. The roughness of his hands showed his years of hard labor. 他手的粗糙表明他多年来的辛勤劳动。
11. The roughness of the edges made it difficult to fit the puzzle pieces together. 边缘的粗糙使得拼图难以拼合。
12. The roughness of the wood gave the furniture a rustic appearance. 木材的粗糙赋予家具一种乡村风格的外观。
13. The roughness of his voice made it hard to understand what he was saying. 他嗓音的粗糙使得很难听清他在说什么。
14. The roughness of the fabric made it uncomfortable to wear. 织物的粗糙使得穿着不舒服。
15. The roughness of his behavior made everyone uneasy. 他的行为粗鲁让所有人感到不安。
16. The roughness of the sandpaper helped smooth out the rough edges. 砂纸的粗糙帮助去除边缘的粗糙处。
17. The roughness of the road caused the car to jolt. 道路的不平坦使得汽车颠簸。
18. The roughness of the weather made it difficult to go outside. 天气的恶劣使得外出困难。
19. The roughness of her hands showed her years of hard work. 她手的粗糙显示了她多年的辛勤工作。
20. The roughness of the fabric made it unsuitable for delicate garments. 织物的粗糙使得其不适合制作精致的服装。