1. 被碰凹的;有凹痕的 - 英文释义:marked with a dent or dents - 例句: 1. The car's door was dented in the accident.(汽车的车门在事故中被撞凹了。) 2. The metal can was dented when it fell on the ground.(金属罐在掉落到地面时被撞出凹痕。) 2. 受损的;受影响的 - 英文释义:damaged or affected - 例句: 1. The company's reputation was dented by the scandal.(公司的声誉因丑闻受到了损害。) 2. Her confidence was dented after the failure of her project.(她的项目失败后,她的信心受到了打击。)名词
1. 凹痕;碰坏的部分 - 英文释义:a hollow or indentation in a surface - 例句: 1. The car had several dents on its hood.(汽车的发动机罩上有几处凹痕。) 2. He tried to fix the dent in the metal sheet.(他试图修复金属板上的凹痕。)词语辨析
- dented vs. damaged: - 英文释义:Dented强调物体表面有凹痕,而damaged则强调物体受到了损害。 - 例句: 1. The car's bumper was dented in the collision.(汽车的保险杠在碰撞中被撞凹。) 2. The package was damaged during shipping.(包裹在运输过程中受到了损坏。)词汇扩充
- denting:名词,凹痕;碰坏的部分 - indented:动词,使凹下;缩进近义词
- indented:凹陷的,有缺口的 - dinged:有凹痕的,受损的反义词
- undamaged:未受损的,完好无损的柯林斯词典
- 英文释义:If something is dented, it becomes marked or damaged by having a hollow or rounded area made in it by pressure or by being hit. - 例句: 1. The car's roof was dented when a tree branch fell on it.(树枝掉在车顶上时,车顶被撞凹了。) 2. The aluminum can was dented when it was dropped on the floor.(铝制罐在掉到地板上时被撞凹了。)牛津词典
- 英文释义:Marked with a dent or dents. - 例句: 1. The pot was dented when it fell off the shelf.(锅从架子上掉下来时被撞凹了。) 2. The bicycle's fender was dented in the accident.(自行车的挡泥板在事故中被撞凹了。)用法
- 可作形容词或名词使用。例句
- The car's door was dented in the accident.(汽车的车门在事故中被撞凹了。)
- The metal can was dented when it fell on the ground.(金属罐在掉落到地面时被撞出凹痕。)
- The company's reputation was dented by the scandal.(公司的声誉因丑闻受到了损害。)
- Her confidence was dented after the failure of her project.(她的项目失败后,她的信心受到了打击。)
- The car had several dents on its hood.(汽车的发动机罩上有几处凹痕。)
- He tried to fix the dent in the metal sheet.(他试图修复金属板上的凹痕。)
- The car's bumper was dented in the collision.(汽车的保险杠在碰撞中被撞凹。)
- The package was damaged during shipping.(包裹在运输过程中受到了损坏。)
- The pot was dented when it fell off the shelf.(锅从架子上掉下来时被撞凹了。)
- The aluminum can was dented when it was dropped on the floor.(铝制罐在掉到地板上时被撞凹了。)
- The car's roof was dented when a tree branch fell on it.(树枝掉在车顶上时,车顶被撞凹了。)
- The bicycle's fender was dented in the accident.(自行车的挡泥板在事故中被撞凹了。)
- The dented can of soda was leaking.(凹陷的苏打汽水罐正在漏水。)
- The table was dented from years of use.(桌子因多年使用而有凹痕。)
- He accidentally dented the car with a shopping cart.(他不小心用购物车撞到了车辆,造成凹痕。)
- She was upset to find her favorite mug dented.(她发现她最喜欢的杯子有凹痕,感到很沮丧。)
- The hailstorm dented the cars parked outside.(冰雹使停在外面的车辆凹陷。)
- They used a plunger to try and remove the dent from the metal bucket.(他们用一个抽水马桶的活塞试图去除金属桶上的凹痕。)
- The basketball was dented after hitting the concrete wall.(篮球撞击混凝土墙后有凹痕。)
- She accidentally dropped her phone and it got dented.(她不小心把手机掉在地上,手机被撞凹了。)
- He noticed a small dent on his car's fender.(他注意到车辆挡泥板上有一个小凹痕。)