wakes 是 wake 的第三人称单数形式,是一个名词和形容词。
- 醒着的,未入睡的
- 守夜,守灵
- 尾迹,痕迹
- 尾流,船舶或飞机在水或空气中留下的波浪
- 追悼会,葬礼
awake: 醒着的状态,指从睡眠中醒来但仍保持清醒。
wake: 指从睡眠中醒来或保持清醒状态。
wakeful: adj. 不易入睡的,警觉的
wakefulness: n. 不眠,失眠
wakefully: adv. 警觉地
wakefulness: n. 警觉,不眠
- wakening: 醒来
- rousing: 唤醒
- arousal: 觉醒
- vigil: 守夜
- obsequies: 丧葬
- asleep: 睡着的
wakes (noun)
- If you are awake, you are not sleeping.
- A wake is a special ceremony in which people stay awake all night in order to show respect for someone who has died, and to comfort their family.
- The wake of a moving boat is the waves and white water that it creates as it moves forward.
wakes (verb)
- If you wake or if someone or something wakes you, you become conscious again after being asleep.
- Emerges or causes to emerge from sleep.
- A watch or vigil held beside the body of someone who has died, sometimes accompanied by ritual observances including eating and drinking.
- A track or path left by a person or thing in moving.
1. The baby wakes several times during the night.
2. They held a wake for their deceased friend.
3. The boat left a wake behind it as it sped across the lake.
- She wakes up early every morning.
- 她每天早上都早早醒来。
- The wake for the deceased will be held tomorrow.
- 逝者的守灵将于明天举行。
- The boat's wake stretched out behind it.
- 船的尾流在它身后延伸。
- He wakes suddenly from a nightmare.
- 他从一场噩梦中突然醒来。
- She was wakeful all night worrying about the exam.
- 她整晚失眠,为考试担心。
- The wakefulness of the child kept the parents up all night.
- 孩子的不安睡意让父母整夜未眠。
- He stayed awake until dawn.
- 他保持清醒直到天亮。
- After the funeral, they held a wake at their home.
- 葬礼后,他们在家举行了追悼会。
- She left a wake of destruction behind her.
- 她在她身后留下了一片毁灭的痕迹。
- He wakes his children up every morning for school.
- 他每天早上唤醒孩子上学。
- They held a wake for their deceased grandfather.
- 他们为已故的祖父举行了守夜仪式。
- The boat's wake was visible for miles.
- 船的尾流在数英里外可见。
- The noise wakes the baby from her nap.
- 噪音把宝宝从小睡中惊醒。
- He lay awake in bed, unable to sleep.
- 他躺在床上,醒着,无法入睡。
- The wake lasted all night, with friends and family sharing memories of the deceased.
- 整夜的守夜仪式上,朋友和家人分享着对逝者的回忆。
- The ship's wake could be seen for miles behind it.
- 船的尾流在其后数英里可见。
- She wakes up early every day to go for a run.
- 她每天早上早早起床去跑步。
- The wake was a somber event, filled with tears and sorrow.
- 追悼会是一个庄重的场合,充满了悲泣和悲伤。
- The airplane left a wake of white clouds behind it as it soared through the sky.
- 飞机在空中飞翔时,留下一条白色的云尾。
- She wakes to the sound of birds chirping outside her window.
- 她在听到窗外的鸟儿叫声时醒来。
- They organized a wake to remember their friend and celebrate his life.
- 他们组织了一个追悼会,纪念他们的朋友并庆祝他的生活。
- He followed the wake of the boat to see where it was heading.
- 他顺着船的尾流看船要去哪里。
- The loud noise wakes the entire neighborhood.
- 巨大的噪音把整个社区都吵醒了。
- The wake was filled with laughter and stories of the deceased.
- 守夜仪式充满了笑声和逝者的故事。
- The boat left a wake as it glided through the calm water.
- 船在平静的水面上滑行时留下了一道尾流。