1. 烤的,炙的:指用火烤或炙制的食物。
- We enjoyed a delicious roasting chicken for dinner. (我们晚餐吃了一只美味的烤鸡。)
- The roasting hot weather made it difficult to go outside. (炎热的天气让外出变得困难。)
2. 激烈的,严厉的:指言辞或行为中带有强烈讽刺、批评或嘲笑的。
- He received a roasting from the boss for his poor performance. (他因表现不佳受到了老板的严厉批评。)
- The comedian's roasting jokes left the audience in stitches. (喜剧演员的讽刺笑话让观众捧腹大笑。)
1. 烘烤,烤制:指食物被烤制的过程或方法。
- She is an expert in the art of roasting meats. (她是烤肉艺术的专家。)
- The roasting of coffee beans gives them their distinct flavor. (咖啡豆的烘烤赋予了它们独特的风味。)
2. 讽刺,嘲笑:指以尖锐的言辞或幽默的方式讽刺或嘲笑他人。
- The politician was subjected to a roasting in the media for his controversial statements. (这位政治家因其有争议的言论在媒体上受到了讽刺。)
- The comedian's roasting of celebrities at the award show was hilarious. (喜剧演员在颁奖典礼上对名人的讽刺非常搞笑。)
roasting, baking, grilling:
- roasting:通过加热和烤箱等设备将食物暴露在高温下进行烹饪。
- baking:通过加热和烤箱等设备将面点、饼干、蛋糕等食物烹饪至熟透。
- grilling:通过在烧烤架上加热将肉类、蔬菜等食物烤熟。
- roast chicken:烤鸡
- roast beef:烤牛肉
- roast pork:烤猪肉
- roast vegetables:烤蔬菜
- roasting pan:烤盘
- roasting rack:烤架
grilling, toasting, browning
boiling, steaming, poaching
roasting (adj.):
If you describe the weather or a place as roasting, you are emphasizing that it is very hot.
roasting (n.):
A roasting is a piece of meat or other food that has been cooked in an oven or over a fire.
roasting (adj.):
Used to emphasize how hot the weather is, especially when it is unpleasantly hot.
roasting (n.):
A joint or other piece of meat or other food that has been roasted.
- The roasting sun made it impossible to stay outside without shade. (炽热的阳光让我们无法在没有遮挡的地方待着。)
- She prepared a delicious roast chicken for Sunday dinner. (她为周日的晚餐准备了一只美味的烤鸡。)
- The chef is known for his excellent roasting skills. (这位厨师以其出色的烤制技巧而闻名。)
- He received a roasting from his teacher for not completing his homework. (他因未完成家庭作业而受到老师的严厉批评。)
- We enjoyed a roasting hot summer vacation on the beach. (我们在海滩上度过了一个酷热的夏季假期。)
- She decided to roast the vegetables in the oven. (她决定在烤箱里烤蔬菜。)
- The roasting of the coffee beans filled the room with a rich aroma. (咖啡豆的烘烤使房间充满了浓郁的香气。)
- The comedian delivered a hilarious roasting of the politicians at the event. (这位喜剧演员在活动上对政客们进行了一场搞笑的讽刺。)
- She received a roasting from her boss for her constant tardiness. (因为经常迟到,她受到了老板的严厉批评。)
- We decided to have a roast for Sunday lunch. (我们决定在周日的午餐上吃一顿烤肉。)
- The roasting hot conditions made it difficult to work outside. (酷热的气候条件让在外工作变得困难。)
- He gave a roasting speech criticizing the government's policies. (他发表了一篇狠批政府政策的演讲。)
- The roasting of marshmallows over the fire was a favorite activity during camping trips. (露营时,人们最喜欢在火上烤棉花糖。)
- She left the meat to roast in the oven for two hours. (她把肉放在烤箱里烤了两个小时。)
- His roasting joke about his friend's fashion sense had everyone laughing. (他关于朋友时尚品味的讽刺笑话让大家都笑了。)
- The roasting process gives the coffee beans their unique flavor. (烘烤过程赋予咖啡豆独特的风味。)
- The celebrity guests endured a roasting of jokes during the comedy show. (这些名人嘉宾在喜剧表演中承受着一连串的笑话讽刺。)
- He received a roasting from his friends for his poor singing skills. (因为他糟糕的唱歌技巧,他受到了朋友们的嘲笑。)
- The roasting desert heat made it necessary to drink plenty of water. (酷热的沙漠气温使得需要喝足够的水。)
- She placed the chicken on a roasting rack in the oven. (她把鸡放在烤箱里的烤架上。)
- After a long roasting ride, they finally reached their destination. (经过一段漫长的酷热旅行,他们终于到达了目的地。)