1. 假的;伪造的
英文释义:not genuine; counterfeit or forged.
- He was arrested for using a faking passport.(他因使用伪造护照而被逮捕。)
- The painting turned out to be a fake.(这幅画原来是假货。)
1. 伪造
英文释义:the action or practice of producing or creating a counterfeit or imitation.
- The faking of documents is a serious crime.(伪造文件是一项严重的罪行。)
- He was sentenced to five years in prison for his involvement in the faking of banknotes.(他因参与伪造钞票而被判入狱五年。)
1. faking vs. genuine
英文释义:Faking means something is not genuine, while genuine refers to something that is real or authentic.
- Always make sure you buy genuine products and avoid faking.(请确保购买真正的产品,避免伪造。)
- The faking of designer clothes is becoming more prevalent in the market.(市场上假冒名牌服装的现象越来越普遍。)
1. faker (名词):a person who creates or sells counterfeit goods or pretends to be someone they are not.
- The police arrested several fakers involved in the production of fake identity cards.(警方逮捕了几名参与制作假身份证的伪造者。)
- She exposed him as a faker who claimed to be a famous musician.(她揭穿了他是一个自称是著名音乐家的冒牌货。)
1. counterfeit(名词,形容词):an imitation intended to be passed off as genuine; not genuine or real.
2. forgery(名词):the action of forging or producing a copy of a document, signature, banknote, etc., with the intention to deceive.
- The detective discovered a large stash of counterfeit money in the suspect's house.(侦探在嫌疑人的房子里发现了一大批假钞。)
- The art museum was targeted by thieves who stole several valuable forgeries.(艺术博物馆成为了盗贼的目标,他们偷走了几幅有价值的赝品。)
1. authentic(形容词):of undisputed origin; genuine.
2. genuine(形容词):truly what something is said to be; authentic.
- This painting is an authentic masterpiece by a famous artist.(这幅画是一位著名艺术家的真迹。)
- She was relieved to find out that the antique she bought was genuine.(她松了口气,发现她买的古董是真品。)
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary):
1. (v.)
to cause (something inferior or not genuine) to appear more valuable, desirable, or real by fraud or pretence
2. (n.)
an object, person, or act that is not genuine; sham, counterfeit, or forgery
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary):
1. (v.)
Produce a counterfeit, copy, or fraudulent imitation of (something)
2. (n.)
A thing that is not genuine; a forgery or sham
1. Faking as a Verb:
- He was faking his illness to avoid going to school.(他假装生病以避免上学。)
- She was caught faking her signature on the contract.(她在合同上伪造签名被抓住了。)
2. Faking as a Noun:
- The faking of art has become a booming industry.(艺术品的伪造成了一个蓬勃发展的产业。)
- He was found guilty of faking documents to obtain a loan.(他因伪造文件以获取贷款而被判有罪。)
- He's just faking his injury to get sympathy.(他只是假装受伤以博取同情。)
- The company was accused of faking its financial records.(该公司被指控伪造财务记录。)
- She's a master at faking confidence.(她擅长假装自信。)
- The detective uncovered a fake passport in the suspect's possession.(侦探在嫌疑人的财物中发现了一本假护照。)
- His forgery of famous paintings fooled many art collectors.(他伪造的名画欺骗了许多艺术收藏家。)
- She was praised for her authentic portrayal of the character.(她因为对角色的真实刻画而受到赞扬。)
- The police arrested several fakers selling counterfeit designer goods.(警方逮捕了几名销售假冒名牌商品的骗子。)
- The athlete was disqualified after it was discovered that she was faking her age.(在发现她年龄不实后,该运动员被取消资格。)
- The art gallery was filled with genuine masterpieces.(艺术画廊里陈列着真正的杰作。)
- He admitted to faking his qualifications on his resume.(他承认在简历上伪造了自己的资格。)
- The police seized a large quantity of counterfeit money during the raid.(警方在突击搜查中查获了大量假钞。)
- She was convicted of forgery for forging her ex-husband's signature.(她因伪造前夫的签名而被判伪造罪。)
- The detective exposed the faker who had been pretending to be a doctor for years.(侦探揭露了那位多年来一直冒充医生的冒牌货。)
- He was skilled at faking emotions to manipulate others.(他善于假装情感以操纵他人。)
- The painting was confirmed as a fake after extensive examination.(经过详细检查,这幅画被证实是假货。)
- The artist was known for his authentic style and originality.(这位艺术家以其真实的风格和独创性而闻名。)
- The museum displayed a collection of genuine artifacts from ancient civilizations.(博物馆展示了一系列古代文明的真品文物。)
- The faker claimed to be a famous actor but was quickly exposed as an imposter.(这个冒牌货声称自己是一位著名演员,但很快被揭穿了。)
- She was accused of forgery after forging her boss's signature on important documents.(她因在重要文件上伪造老板的签名而被指控伪造。)
- The detective suspected that the painting was a counterfeit and launched an investigation.(侦探怀疑这幅画是假货,于是展开了调查。)
- The fake designer handbags were sold at a fraction of the price of the original.(这些假冒的名牌手提包以原价的一小部分出售。)