- 编码的;加密的
- 非直接的;间接的
- 有暗示的;有隐喻的
- 难以理解的;晦涩的
- 密码
- 编码系统
coded (形容词)
- If something is coded, it is written in a special system of signs or symbols, so that it can only be understood by people who have the knowledge of the system.
- If something is coded, it is not direct and it has to be interpreted or explained.
coded (形容词)
- Convert (the words of a message) into a particular code in order to convey a secret meaning.
- Express the meaning of (a statement or communication) in an indirect or obscure way; convey (an emotion or idea) in an indirect or implicit way.
1. Her notes were written in a coded language that only she could understand. (她的笔记用一种只有她能理解的编码语言写成。)
2. The spy sent a coded message to headquarters. (间谍向总部发送了一条加密信息。)
3. The novel is full of coded language and hidden meanings. (这本小说充满了晦涩的语言和隐含的意义。)
4. The detective deciphered the coded message and discovered the location of the secret meeting. (侦探解开了那条加密信息并发现了秘密会议的地点。)
5. The politician's speech was coded and left room for interpretation. (这位政治家的演讲含蓄而模棱两可。)
6. The artist used coded imagery to convey his political message. (艺术家使用了隐喻的意象来传达他的政治信息。)
7. The coded document was found hidden in a safe. (那份密码文件被发现藏在一个保险箱里。)
8. The coded transmission was intercepted by the enemy. (敌人截获了加密的传输。)
9. The computer program encodes sensitive information to protect it from unauthorized access. (计算机程序对敏感信息进行编码,以防止未经授权的访问。)
10. The coded message was decoded using a special algorithm. (使用特殊算法对加密的信息进行了解码。)
11. The coded instructions were passed on to the next generation. (编码的指示被传递给了下一代。)
12. The decoder can translate the coded message back into its original form. (解码器可以将加密的信息翻译回其原始形式。)
13. The encoding method used for the coded data is highly secure. (用于加密数据的编码方法非常安全。)
14. The message was coded in a series of symbols that needed to be deciphered. (这条信息用一系列需要解密的符号进行了编码。)
15. The coded language in the poem adds depth to its meaning. (诗中的隐喻语言为其增添了深度。)
16. The coded book provided clues to solve the mystery. (那本编码书提供了解开谜团的线索。)
17. The detective cracked the coded message and uncovered the identity of the spy. (侦探破译了那条加密信息,揭示了间谍的身份。)
18. The coded document contained valuable information about the secret operation. (那份密码文件包含了关于秘密行动的宝贵信息。)
19. The coded communication between the two spies went undetected by the enemy. (两名间谍之间的加密通信在敌人中没有被察觉。)
20. The coded message was transmitted through a secure channel to ensure confidentiality. (加密的信息通过安全通道传输,以确保机密性。)