1. 成熟的: - mature, ripe - (例句) The fruit is not yet maturing. 这水果还没成熟。 - (例句) The wine needs a few more years of maturing. 这种酒还需要再陈年几年。 2. 到期的: - due, payable - (例句) The maturing bond will be paid next month. 到期的债券将在下个月支付。 3. 发展成熟的: - developing, growing - (例句) The maturing technology is changing the industry. 发展成熟的技术正在改变这个行业。 4. 年长的: - aging, elderly - (例句) The maturing population is a challenge for healthcare systems. 年长的人口对医疗系统是一个挑战。
1. 成熟: - maturity - (例句) The maturing of the grapes is essential for winemaking. 葡萄的成熟对酿酒至关重要。 2. 到期: - due date - (例句) The policy has a five-year maturing. 这项政策有五年的到期时间。 3. 发育: - development, growth - (例句) The maturing of a child involves physical and emotional changes. 孩子的发育涉及到身体和情感上的变化。 4. 逐渐成熟的过程: - maturation - (例句) The maturation of a business takes time and effort. 一个企业的成熟需要时间和努力。
1. maturing vs mature: - Both words refer to being fully developed or grown, but "maturing" emphasizes the ongoing process of development, while "mature" describes something that has already reached its full development. - (例句) The maturing artist continued to refine his skills. (强调艺术家不断发展过程) - (例句) The mature tree provided shade for the garden. (强调树已经完全成长) 2. maturing vs aging: - "Maturing" implies a gradual and positive development, while "aging" suggests a natural process of getting older. - (例句) The maturing wine improved in flavor over time. (强调酒随时间变得更好) - (例句) The aging population requires more healthcare resources. (强调老龄化人口需要更多医疗资源)
- maturely (副词): in a mature manner - maturity (名词): the state of being mature
- developing, growing, advancing, progressing, evolving
- immature, unripe, underdeveloped, raw
maturing (adj.): Developing over a period of time, often gradually
maturing (adj.): Developing in physical or emotional maturity in a way that is appropriate for someone's age or stage of life
1. 形容词用法: - The company is in a maturing stage and is expected to expand its market share. (公司处于成熟阶段,预计将扩大市场份额) - He showed a maturing understanding of the complex issues. (他展现出对复杂问题的日益成熟的理解) 2. 名词用法: - The maturing of the grapes is a crucial step in winemaking. (葡萄的成熟是酿酒过程中关键的一步) - She has reached a level of maturity where she can make responsible decisions. (她达到了一个能够做出负责任决定的成熟阶段)
- The fruit is not yet maturing. 这水果还没成熟。
- The wine needs a few more years of maturing. 这种酒还需要再陈年几年。
- The maturing bond will be paid next month. 到期的债券将在下个月支付。
- The maturing technology is changing the industry. 发展成熟的技术正在改变这个行业。
- The maturing population is a challenge for healthcare systems. 年长的人口对医疗系统是一个挑战。
- The maturing of the grapes is essential for winemaking. 葡萄的成熟对酿酒至关重要。
- The policy has a five-year maturing. 这项政策有五年的到期时间。
- The maturing of a child involves physical and emotional changes. 孩子的发育涉及到身体和情感上的变化。
- The maturation of a business takes time and effort. 一个企业的成熟需要时间和努力。