1. 安慰的;舒适的- 英文释义:offering comfort; providing physical ease and relaxation
- 例句:She found comforted solace in her favorite book.(她在她最喜欢的书中找到了安慰。)
1. 安慰;慰藉- 英文释义:a state of ease and contentment; the act of consoling or providing comfort
- 例句:The child sought comfort in his mother's arms.(孩子在母亲的怀抱中寻求安慰。)
1. comforted vs comfortable- comforted:表示被安慰或得到慰藉的状态或人
- 例句:She felt comforted after talking to her best friend.(与她最好的朋友聊天后,她感到安慰。)
- comfortable:形容物品或环境舒适、令人感到舒服
- 例句:The sofa was so comfortable that I fell asleep on it.(沙发太舒服了,我在上面睡着了。)
2. comforted vs comforting
- comforted:表示接受安慰或慰藉的状态或人
- 例句:The grieving family was comforted by the condolences they received.(这个悲伤的家庭得到了送来的慰问,他们感到安慰。)
- comforting:表示具有安慰作用的、令人感到宽慰的
- 例句:The mother's comforting words helped her child feel better.(母亲的安慰话语帮助孩子感到更好。)
- comfortingly(副词):安慰地,令人感到舒适地- comforter(名词):安慰者,慰藉者;被子,褥子
- comfortingness(名词):安慰;令人感到舒适的性质
- console:trouble, distress- solace:consolation, relief
- reassure:encourage, support
- distress:anguish, torment- discomfort:unease, inconvenience
- unsettle:disturb, agitate
comforted(形容词)- 英文释义:made comfortable or contented
- 例句:He seemed comforted by her presence.(她在场时,他似乎感到宽慰。)
comforted(形容词)- 英文释义:having been made to feel more relaxed, contented, or reassured
- 例句:She felt comforted by his words.(她被他的话语安慰了。)
1. 动词 "comfort"- 英文释义:to soothe, console, or reassure; to provide physical ease and relaxation
- 例句:She comforted her friend after the loss of her pet.(她在她的宠物丧失后安慰了她的朋友。)
- 柯林斯词典例句:She comforted him as best she could.(她尽力安慰他。)
- 牛津词典例句:He was comforted by the presence of his family.(他有家人陪伴时感到安慰。)
2. 名词 "comforter"
- 英文释义:a person or thing that provides comfort; a quilt or cover filled with down or a synthetic material
- 例句:The old woman found comfort in her faith.(老妇人在她的信仰中找到了安慰。)
- 柯林斯词典例句:The mother used a comforter to soothe her crying baby.(母亲用安慰物品安抚哭泣的婴儿。)
- 牛津词典例句:She wrapped herself in a warm comforter and drifted off to sleep.(她裹在一条温暖的被子里,进入了梦乡。)
- He comforted her after the loss of her job.(她失业后,他安慰了她。)
- The soft music comforted her troubled mind.(柔和的音乐安抚了她困扰的心灵。)
- She comforted herself with a cup of tea.(她用一杯茶安慰自己。)
- The child was comforted by his mother's gentle touch.(孩子因母亲温柔的触摸而感到安慰。)
- He comforted his friend by offering a listening ear.(他通过倾听来安慰他的朋友。)
- She comforted the grieving family with her presence.(她的存在给悲伤的家庭带来了安慰。)
- His kind words comforted her during the difficult times.(他的好话在困难时期给她带来了安慰。)
- I hope these flowers will comfort you in your sorrow.(希望这些花能在你悲伤时给你安慰。)
- He comforted himself with the thought that things would get better.(他用事情会好起来的想法来安慰自己。)
- The warm embrace comforted her and made her feel safe.(温暖的拥抱使她感到安慰和安全。)
- She comforted her friend with words of encouragement and support.(她用鼓励和支持的话语安慰她的朋友。)
- His presence alone was enough to comfort her in times of distress.(在困扰时期,他的存在就足以给她安慰。)
- The comforter kept her warm throughout the cold winter nights.(被子在寒冷的冬夜里让她保持温暖。)
- She found comfort in the familiar surroundings of her childhood home.(她在童年家庭的熟悉环境中找到了安慰。)
- The comforter's softness and warmth helped her relax and fall asleep.(被子的柔软和温暖帮助她放松并入睡。)
- His words provided comfort and solace during her time of grief.(他的话在她悲伤的时刻提供了安慰和慰藉。)
- She turned to her favorite book for comfort and escapism.(她求助于她最喜欢的书籍,以寻求安慰和逃避现实。)
- The comforted child clung to his mother, seeking solace in her arms.(被安慰的孩子紧紧依偎在母亲身边,寻求在她的怀抱中得到安慰。)
- His comforting presence helped her feel less alone in her time of sorrow.(他令人感到宽慰的存在在她悲伤的时刻帮助她感到不再孤单。)
- She comfortingly reassured her friend that everything would be alright.(她安慰地向她的朋友保证一切都会好起来的。)
- The comforted patient felt at ease knowing that the surgery was successful.(被安慰的患者因手术成功而感到放心。)