preached - 中英词典
1. preached [形容词] 宣传的;布道的;说教的名词
1. preached [名词] 布道;说教词语辨析
其他与"preached"相关的词汇包括:preaching(动词)- 布道,说教;preacher(名词)- 布道者,传道者;preachy(形容词)- 爱说教的,好讲道的;preachiness(名词)- 说教风格近义词
instructed, exhorted, sermonized反义词
listened, ignored, doubted柯林斯词典
动词 1. 布道 例:He preached about the importance of forgiveness. 他宣讲了宽恕的重要性。 2. 宣传;鼓吹 例:She preached the benefits of healthy eating. 她宣传健康饮食的好处。 名词 1. 布道 例:The preacher gave a powerful sermon. 牧师进行了一场有力的布道。 2. 说教 例:I'm tired of your constant preaching. 我受够了你不停的说教。
动词 1. 布道 例:He preached the gospel in remote villages. 他在偏远的村庄传播福音。 2. 宣讲;传授 例:She preached the virtues of hard work. 她宣讲努力工作的好处。 名词 1. 布道 例:His passionate preaching attracted a large audience. 他激情四溢的布道吸引了很多听众。 2. 说教 例:I don't want to listen to your preaching. 我不想听你的说教。
- "preached" 是动词 "preach" 的过去式和过去分词形式。 - "preached" 既可以指布道、宣传,也可以指说教。 - "preached" 这个词可以用作形容词和名词。例句
- He preached the importance of kindness and compassion. (他宣讲了善良和同情心的重要性。)
- The minister preached a sermon on forgiveness. (牧师讲了一场关于宽恕的布道。)
- She preached to the crowd about the dangers of smoking. (她向人群宣讲吸烟的危险性。)
- His constantly preached beliefs were not well received by the audience. (他不断宣扬的信仰并未受到观众的好评。)
- The preacher's passionate preaching moved the congregation. (牧师激情四溢的布道感动了教众。)
- She was tired of his constant preaching and moralizing. (她厌倦了他不停的说教和道德说教。)
- They preached the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. (他们宣传健康生活方式的好处。)
- The activist preached the need for environmental conservation. (这位活动家宣讲了环境保护的必要性。)
- The preacher preached a powerful sermon on love and forgiveness. (牧师进行了一场关于爱与宽恕的有力布道。)
- He preached to a crowd of thousands at the stadium. (他在体育场向成千上万的人群布道。)
- Her preaching had a profound impact on the lives of many people. (她的布道对许多人的生活产生了深远的影响。)
- The preacher's fiery preaching stirred up emotions among the congregation. (牧师的慷慨激昂的布道在教众中激起了情绪。)
- Don't preach to me about responsibility when you're not taking any yourself. (你自己都不负责任,就别对我讲责任。)
- The politician preached about the need for economic reform. (政治家宣讲了经济改革的必要性。)
- She preached to her children about the importance of honesty. (她向孩子们宣讲了诚实的重要性。)
- His constant preaching was met with indifference from the audience. (观众对他不停的说教漠不关心。)
- The preacher's message of hope and redemption resonated with the congregation. (牧师的希望与救赎的信息引起了教众的共鸣。)
- He preached against injustice and inequality. (他宣讲反对不正义和不平等。)
- Her preaching style was passionate and persuasive. (她的说教风格充满激情且有说服力。)
- They preached the gospel to remote tribes. (他们向偏远的部落传教。)