- 憋闷的,窒息的
- 被压制的,受到限制的
- 窒息感
stifling (形容词):令人窒息的,压抑的
stiflingly (副词):令人窒息地,压抑地
suppress, smother, suffocate, restrain, curb
express, release, liberate, vent
stifled (形容词)
1. If you are stifled by something or someone, you feel unable to breathe properly or feel hot and uncomfortable.
2. If a sound is stifled, it is prevented from being heard properly.
3. If you stifle an activity or idea, you prevent it from continuing or developing.
stifle (动词)
1. If you stifle something you stop it from happening, being expressed, or continuing.
2. If you stifle a sound, you make it less loud or clear.
3. If you stifle a yawn or laugh, you prevent yourself from yawning or laughing.
stifle (动词)
1. Make (someone) unable to breathe properly; suffocate.
2. Restrain (a reaction) or stop oneself acting on (an emotion).
3. Prevent or constrain (an activity or idea).
4. Smother or suppress (a sound).
1. The stifling heat made it difficult to concentrate.
2. She stifled a scream as the spider crawled across the table.
3. The government's policies are stifling economic growth.
4. He tried to stifle his laughter, but a giggle escaped.
5. She stifled her anger and calmly explained her position.
- The stifling atmosphere of the room made it hard to breathe. (这个房间的闷热空气让人难以呼吸。)
- She stifled a yawn and tried to stay awake. (她强忍着打哈欠,努力保持清醒。)
- The strict regulations are stifling innovation in the industry. (严格的规定限制了该行业的创新。)
- He stifled a scream of pain. (他强忍住了痛苦的尖叫。)
- She could no longer stifle her frustration and burst into tears. (她再也无法压抑住自己的沮丧,放声大哭起来。)
- The government's policies have stifled economic growth. (政府的政策扼杀了经济增长。)
- He stifled a laugh and pretended to be serious. (他强忍住笑声,假装严肃起来。)
- The stifling humidity made it hard to breathe. (闷热的湿气让人呼吸困难。)
- She stifled her disappointment and congratulated her friend. (她压抑住失望之情,祝贺了她的朋友。)
- The government's control stifles creativity and freedom. (政府的控制扼杀了创造力和自由。)
- The stifled sound of a muffled cough came from the next room. (隔壁房间传来了被压低的咳嗽声。)
- He stifled his anger and calmly responded to the criticism. (他压制住愤怒,冷静地回应了批评。)
- The stiflingly hot weather made everyone seek shelter indoors. (令人窒息的炎热天气让每个人都躲进了室内。)
- She stifled a sob and forced a smile. (她强忍住哭泣,勉强笑了笑。)
- His creativity was stifled by the rigid structure of the organization. (创造力被组织的死板结构所抑制。)
- The stifled atmosphere in the meeting room made it hard to speak freely. (会议室里的压抑氛围让人难以畅所欲言。)
- She stifled her curiosity and resisted the urge to open the letter. (她抑制住好奇心,抵制住打开信封的冲动。)
- The stifled cry for help went unnoticed. (那个被扼住的求救声没有引起注意。)
- He stifled a sigh of relief and continued with his work. (他强忍住一声宽慰的叹息,继续工作。)
- The stiflingly hot weather made it difficult to sleep at night. (令人窒息的炎热天气让人晚上难以入睡。)
- She stifled her tears and put on a brave face. (她强忍住眼泪,摆出坚强的面孔。)