proofs [C] (物证,证据); [U] (检验,证明)
proofs [only before noun] (防水的,防火的)
1. 物证,证据
例:The police found no proofs at the crime scene.
2. 检验,证明
例:The experiment provided proof that the theory was correct.
1. 防水的,防火的
例:This document is printed on proofs paper.
proofread (v.) 校对,校阅
proofreader (n.) 校对者,审校者
proofreading (n.) 校对,审校
evidence, testimony, confirmation, validation
proof (noun)
1. evidence that proves or disproves something; evidence that makes something evident; proof of his innocence; the police had proof of his identity;
2. the act of validating; validation of a claim;
3. any factual evidence that helps to establish the truth of something;
4. a measure of alcoholic strength expressed as an integer twice the percentage of alcohol present (by volume)
proof (noun)
1. evidence or argument establishing a fact or the truth of a statement;
2. a trial impression of a page, taken from type or film and used for making corrections before final printing;
3. a test photograph, print, or exposure, especially an early one for checking or correcting purposes;
4. (chiefly in the context of alcoholic drink) the quality of being very strong or having a very high percentage of alcohol by volume;
5. (archaic) a test or trial;
6. a printed sheet of paper with a design or pattern which is looked at to test a proposed colour scheme, picture arrangement, etc.;
7. proof coinage
1. proofs作为名词时,通常用作单数形式;
2. proofs作为形容词时,通常放在名词前;
3. proof可以表示“证明”、“检验”或“校对”等含义;
4. proofread指“校对”、“审校”,常用于校对书籍、文章等。
- The detective found proofs of the suspect's guilt at the crime scene.(侦探在犯罪现场找到了嫌疑人有罪的证据。)
- The experiment provided proof that the new drug is effective.(这个实验证明了新药的有效性。)
- The company tested the product to ensure it was proof against water damage.(公司对产品进行了测试,确保其能防水。)
- There is no proof that he committed the crime.(没有证据证明他犯了罪。)
- She presented proofs of her qualifications for the job.(她提供了自己的资格证明来申请这份工作。)
- The proof of the theorem is complex and requires advanced mathematical knowledge.(这个定理的证明很复杂,需要高深的数学知识。)
- His confession was considered as proof of his guilt.(他的自供被视为他有罪的证据。)
- We need to do further research to provide proof of our theory.(我们需要进行进一步的研究来证明我们的理论。)
- The proof of purchase is required for a refund.(需要购物凭证才能退款。)
- She carefully checked the document for errors during the proofreading process.(她在校对过程中仔细检查了文件中的错误。)
- The proofreader identified several spelling mistakes in the manuscript.(校对者在手稿中发现了几处拼写错误。)
- Please proofread this report before submitting it.(请在提交之前校对一下这份报告。)
- The lawyer presented strong evidence to support his client's case.(律师提供了强有力的证据来支持他的客户。)
- The witness gave testimony that contradicted the defendant's story.(证人提供的证词与被告的陈述相矛盾。)
- His alibi provided confirmation that he was not at the scene of the crime.(他的不在场证明了他不在犯罪现场。)
- They conducted experiments to obtain validation for their hypothesis.(他们进行了实验以验证他们的假设。)
- There is no disproof of his theory yet.(目前还没有他理论的反证。)
- She is looking for proof of her husband's infidelity.(她正在寻找她丈夫不忠的证据。)
- We need to see some proofs of your qualifications before we can consider your application.(在考虑你的申请之前,我们需要看到你的一些资格证明。)
- He provided proof that he was at home during the time of the crime.(他提供了他在犯罪发生时在家的证明。)
- The proof of the pudding is in the eating.(百闻不如一见。)
- He offered no proof for his outrageous claims.(他对他荒谬的言论没有提供任何证据。)