1. 名词
1) 伸展;拉伸
the act of extending or lengthening
- He did a few stretches before starting his workout. (他在开始锻炼之前做了几个伸展动作。)
- You should do some stretches to warm up your muscles before exercising. (你应该在运动前做一些伸展运动来热身。)
2) 范围;区域
an extent or expanse of something
- The road ahead stretches for miles. (前方的道路延伸数英里。)
- We walked along the stretch of beach. (我们沿着海滩的一段走了。)
3) 一段时间;一段连续的时间
a continuous period of time
词汇扩充:stretch out(延长,拖延)
- We worked for long stretches without a break. (我们连续工作了很长时间,没有休息。)
- She sat silently for a stretch of two hours. (她静静地坐了两个小时。)
1) 有弹性的;可伸展的
able to be stretched or extended
- The fabric is very stretchy, so it's comfortable to wear. (这种布料非常有弹性,穿起来很舒服。)
- He pulled the rubber band until it was stretched tight. (他把橡皮筋拉得很紧。)
2) 超过正常限度的;过分的
excessive or extreme
- Working long hours without breaks is a stretch for anyone. (没有休息地长时间工作对任何人来说都是过分的。)
- Her demands are a bit of a stretch. (她的要求有些过分。)
3. 动词
1) 伸展;拉长;延伸
to lengthen, widen, or extend
- She stretched her arms above her head. (她把手举过头顶伸了个懒腰。)
- He stretched the rope tightly between the two trees. (他在两棵树之间拉紧了绳子。)
2) 扩大;增加
to make something larger or greater in size, amount, or scope
- We need to stretch our budget to cover all the expenses. (我们需要扩大预算来支付所有费用。)
- The company is looking to stretch its influence in the global market. (公司希望扩大在全球市场的影响力。)
4. 相关词语辨析
1) stretch, extend, and lengthen
stretch 指通过拉伸或伸展使物体变长或变宽。
extend 指将某物从原有的尺寸或范围外延伸;也可表示给予或提供。
lengthen 指增加物体的长度。
2) stretch, strain, and exertion
stretch 指身体或精神上的伸展,通常用于形容运动或伸展动作。
strain 指由于过度使用或不适当的用力而导致的拉伤或拉力。
exertion 指付出努力或应用力量。
5. 同义词
expand, lengthen, elongate, widen, broaden, distend
6. 反义词
shrink, contract, compress, shorten, narrow, constrict
7. 柯林斯词典解释
1) 名词
If you stretch, you extend your arms, legs, or body, often as far as you can, because you are tired or bored.
- She yawned and stretched. (她打了个哈欠,伸了个懒腰。)
- He stood up and stretched his arms above his head. (他站起身,把手举过头顶伸了个懒腰。)
2) 动词
If you stretch something, you make it bigger or longer by pulling it.
- She stretched the elastic band until it snapped. (她把橡皮筋拉紧,直到断了。)
- He stretched the wire across the garden. (他把铁丝拉过花园。)
8. 牛津词典解释
1) 名词
an act of stretching one's limbs or body.
- He got up and had a stretch. (他起身伸了个懒腰。)
- Do some gentle stretches before you start your workout. (在开始锻炼之前进行一些轻柔的伸展运动。)
2) 动词
cause to lengthen or widen.
- The exercise helps to stretch and tone your muscles. (这个锻炼有助于伸展和增强你的肌肉。)
- Stretch the dough until it reaches the desired thickness. (把面团拉伸至所需的厚度。)
9. 例句
- The cat woke up and had a good stretch. (猫醒来后,做了一个好长的伸展。)
- She stretched her legs before getting out of bed. (她在起床前伸了伸腿。)
- He stretched his arms out to catch the ball. (他伸出手臂接住球。)
- The road stretches for miles ahead. (前方的道路延伸数英里。)
- We walked along the stretch of beach, enjoying the sound of waves. (我们沿着海滩的一段走着,享受着海浪的声音。)
- She sat silently for a stretch of two hours, lost in her thoughts. (她静静地坐了两个小时,沉浸在自己的思绪中。)
- The fabric of this shirt is very stretchy and comfortable to wear. (这件衬衫的面料非常有弹性,穿起来很舒服。)
- He felt a bit stretched with all the work he had to do. (由于工作量很大,他感到有些吃力。)
- The team is in the middle of a busy stretch of games. (球队正处于赛程密集的阶段。)
- She stretched her arms above her head and yawned. (她把手举过头顶,打了个哈欠。)
- The cat stretched its body and arched its back. (猫伸展身体,拱起背。)
- He stretched the rubber band until it snapped. (他把橡皮筋拉紧,直到断了。)
- We need to stretch our budget to cover all the expenses. (我们需要扩大预算来支付所有的费用。)
- The company aims to stretch its market reach in the coming year. (公司计划在未来一年扩大市场覆盖面。)
- He stretched his hand across the table to shake hers. (他伸手过桌子握了她的手。)
- She stretched the truth a little to make her story more interesting. (她稍微夸大了事实,让自己的故事更有趣。)
- Do some stretches before you start your workout. (在开始锻炼之前进行一些伸展运动。)
- He does yoga every morning to stretch his body and relax his mind. (他每天早上做瑜伽,伸展身体,放松心情。)
- She stretched out on the sofa and closed her eyes. (她躺在沙发上,闭上了眼睛。)
- He stretched the wire across the garden to create a boundary. (他在花园里拉了根铁丝作为界限。)
- We stretched the meeting to ensure all concerns were addressed. (我们延长了会议时间,以确保解决所有问题。)