形容词:估计的,预计的 名词:估计,预估,估价词语辨析:
estimate vs. guess: estimate强调通过特定的方法或数据进行推测,通常意味着较高的准确性;guess则更侧重于主观臆测或凭直觉的猜测。词汇扩充:
形容词:rough estimate(粗略估计),conservative estimate(保守估计),accurate estimate(准确估计) 名词:cost estimate(成本估算),time estimate(时间估计),market estimate(市场估计)近义词:
appraisal, calculation, valuation, assessment反义词:
exact, precise, accurate柯林斯词典解释:
名词: 1. If you make an estimate of the cost or value of something, you make an approximate judgment or calculation of it. 2. An estimate is a statement about how much a job is likely to cost. 3. An estimate is a calculation of a quantity that is not known exactly but is based on a set of assumptions. 4. An estimate of a person or situation is an opinion or impression that you have formed about them, based on the information you have. 动词: If you estimate a quantity or value, you make an approximate judgment or calculation of it.牛津词典解释:
名词: 1. An approximate calculation or judgment of the value, number, quantity, or extent of something. 2. A written statement indicating the likely price that will be charged for specified work or repairs. 动词: 1. Roughly calculate or judge the value, number, quantity, or extent of. 2. Give a written or spoken account of something, especially one used as an official basis for a future judgment.用法:
1. We estimate that the project will take three months to complete. (我们估计这个项目需要三个月完成。) 2. The estimated cost of the repairs is $500. (修理费用的估计为500美元。) 3. Can you give me an estimate of how long it will take? (你能给我一个需要多长时间的估计吗?)相关例句:
- We need to estimate the cost of the renovations before proceeding. (在继续之前,我们需要估计装修费用。)
- His estimate of the situation was completely wrong. (他对情况的估计完全错误。)
- It's difficult to estimate how much time it will take. (很难估计需要多少时间。)
- The estimated value of the painting is around $10,000. (这幅画的估值大约为10,000美元。)
- Can you provide me with a cost estimate for the project? (你能为这个项目提供一个费用估算吗?)
- According to our estimate, the event attracted over 500 attendees. (根据我们的估计,这个活动吸引了超过500名参与者。)
- He estimated that it would take about two hours to complete the task. (他估计完成这个任务需要大约两个小时。)
- The estimate for the repairs came in higher than expected. (修理费用的估计比预期的要高。)
- Her estimate of the situation was surprisingly accurate. (她对情况的估计出奇地准确。)
- We received an estimate from the contractor for the construction work. (我们从承包商那里收到了施工工作的报价。)
- The estimated completion date for the project is next month. (该项目的预计完成日期是下个月。)
- It's just a rough estimate at this stage; we'll need to gather more data. (这只是一个粗略的估计阶段;我们需要收集更多数据。)
- According to industry estimates, the market size will double in the next five years. (根据行业估计,市场规模将在未来五年翻倍。)
- The estimate for the painting was well beyond our budget. (这幅画的估价远远超出了我们的预算。)
- We need an estimate of the time required to complete the project. (我们需要一个完成该项目所需时间的估计。)
- Her estimate of the cost turned out to be quite accurate. (她对成本的估计结果相当准确。)
- The estimated population of the city is over one million. (该城市的估计人口超过一百万。)
- The estimate was significantly higher than the actual cost. (估计值比实际成本高得多。)
- They provided us with a detailed estimate for the construction project. (他们为我们提供了一份详细的建筑项目报价。)
- The estimate of damages caused by the storm is still being assessed. (对暴风雨造成的损失的估计仍在评估中。)
- Her estimate of the distance was way off; it was actually much shorter. (她对距离的估计完全错了,实际上要短得多。)