- (不褒义)诡计的,阴谋的(adjective)
- (不褒义)精心策划的,计划的(adjective)
- 计划,方案(noun)
- 阴谋,阴谋诡计(noun)
- 体系,体制(noun)
- (常用复数)图表,图案(noun)
1. scheme和plan都可以表示“计划”,但scheme更强调阴谋性质的计划;
2. scheme也可以指“体系”或“图案”,而plan则没有这个意思。
1. scheme out:精心策划,计划好;
2. schemer:策划者,阴谋家;
3. scheming:阴谋的,诡计多端的。
1. plan:计划,方案;
2. plot:阴谋,密谋;
3. design:设计,策划。
1. disorganization:无组织,无计划;
2. spontaneity:自发行为,自然产生。
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)定义:
schemes (noun)
- A scheme is a plan or arrangement involving many people which is made by a government or other organization.
- A scheme is a clever plan or program of action, especially one that is dishonest or breaks the usual rules.
- A scheme is a plan for obtaining or achieving something, or a detailed plan or system for organizing something.
- Schemes are large in size or degree.
- A scheme is a plan for organizing the work of a particular group of people.
- A scheme is a plan for dividing something into a number of different parts, so that each part can be dealt with separately.
schemes (adjective)
- Something that is described as a scheme is dishonest or intended to deceive people.
- You use scheme to describe things that are the result of very careful planning, and that usually have a complicated and secret purpose.
- You use scheme to describe things that are new and that have been produced to serve a particular purpose or to look attractive.
- You use scheme to describe something that is the result of someone's work or plans.
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)定义:
schemes (noun)
- A large-scale systematic plan or arrangement for attaining some particular object or putting a particular idea into effect.
- A secret or underhand plan; a plot.
- An organized association of people for a particular purpose, typically a political, educational, or religious one.
- A particular ordered system or arrangement.
schemes (adjective)
- Devious or dishonest.
- Arranged or organized in a particular way.
1. He came up with a brilliant scheme to solve the problem.
2. The government is implementing a new housing scheme for low-income families.
3. She was involved in a scheme to defraud the company.
4. The company has launched a new marketing scheme to increase sales.
5. The teacher devised a scheme to encourage students to read more books.
1. The government launched a new scheme to reduce unemployment.(政府推出了一个减少失业的新方案。)
2. The criminal mastermind hatched an elaborate scheme to rob the bank.(这位犯罪头脑巨擘策划了一个精心设计的抢劫银行的阴谋。)
3. The company's pension scheme provides financial security for its employees.(公司的养老金计划为员工提供了财务保障。)
4. The artist used vibrant colors in her abstract painting scheme.(艺术家在她的抽象画中使用了鲜艳的颜色方案。)
5. The government's healthcare scheme aims to provide affordable medical services to all citizens.(政府的医疗计划旨在为所有公民提供可负担的医疗服务。)
6. The teacher implemented a reward scheme to motivate students to excel academically.(老师实施了一项奖励计划,以激励学生在学业上取得优异成绩。)
7. The criminal was caught before he could carry out his scheme to steal classified information.(在犯罪分子能够实施他窃取机密信息的计划之前,他被抓住了。)
8. The city council introduced a recycling scheme to promote environmental sustainability.(市议会推出了一个回收计划,以促进环境可持续发展。)
9. The company's training scheme provides employees with opportunities for professional development.(公司的培训计划为员工提供了专业发展的机会。)
10. The architect presented his scheme for the new building to the client.(建筑师向客户展示了他的新建筑方案。)
11. The student council organized a fundraising scheme to support local charities.(学生会组织了一个筹款计划,支持当地的慈善机构。)
12. The company introduced a flexible working scheme to improve work-life balance.(公司推出了一项灵活工作计划,以改善工作与生活的平衡。)
13. The police uncovered a money laundering scheme involving multiple individuals and businesses.(警方揭露了一个涉及多个个人和企业的洗钱计划。)
14. The government's pension scheme provides financial support for retired individuals.(政府的养老金计划为退休人员提供财务支持。)
15. The company's marketing scheme resulted in a significant increase in sales.(公司的营销方案导致销售额大幅增长。)
16. The charity launched a fundraising scheme to build a new community center.(慈善机构推出了一个筹款计划,建设一个新的社区中心。)
17. The government's education scheme aims to improve the quality of education in rural areas.(政府的教育计划旨在提高农村地区的教育质量。)
18. The artist used a monochromatic color scheme in his minimalist paintings.(艺术家在他的极简主义绘画中使用了单色调的配色方案。)
19. The company's mentorship scheme pairs experienced employees with new hires.(公司的导师计划将有经验的员工与新员工配对。)
20. The government launched a scheme to provide free healthcare for low-income families.(政府推出了一个为低收入家庭提供免费医疗的计划。)