1. mountainous
英文释义:having many mountains; resembling a mountain in size or scale
词汇扩充:mountainously (adv.)
近义词:hilly, elevated, high, towering
反义词:flat, plain, level
1. (adj.) If you describe a place as mountainous, you mean that it is hilly or that it is difficult to travel through because it is full of mountains.
2. (adj.) If you describe something as mountainous, you mean that it is very large.
1. (adj.) Full of mountains.
2. (adj.) Very large.
- The region is known for its mountainous landscape. (这个地区以其多山的景色而闻名。)
- The company faces mountainous challenges in the current market. (公司面临着目前市场上的巨大挑战。)
1. mountains
英文释义:a large natural elevation of the earth's surface rising abruptly from the surrounding level; a region where there are many mountains
词汇扩充:mountainousness (n.)
近义词:peaks, hills, range
反义词:valleys, plains, lowlands
1. (n.) A mountain is a very high area of land with steep sides.
2. (n.) Mountains are areas of land that are much higher than the surrounding land.
1. (n.) A large natural elevation of the earth's surface rising abruptly from the surrounding level; a large steep hill.
2. (n.) A region where there are many mountains.
- The mountains were covered in snow. (山脉被雪覆盖着。)
- The town is nestled in a beautiful mountainous region. (这个小镇坐落在一个美丽的山岳区域。)
- The mountainous region is known for its breathtaking views. (这个多山的地区以其令人惊叹的景色而闻名。)
- She has climbed many mountains in her lifetime. (她一生中攀登过许多山峰。)
- The mountainous terrain makes it a challenging hike. (多山的地形使得这是一次具有挑战性的徒步旅行。)
- They spent their vacation exploring the mountains and valleys. (他们度假期间探索了山脉和山谷。)
- The hiker finally reached the mountain peak. (徒步旅行者终于到达了山峰顶部。)
- The village is nestled in a mountainous region. (这个村庄坐落在一个多山的地区。)
- They went skiing in the mountains during the winter. (他们在冬天去山上滑雪。)
- The castle sits atop a mountain overlooking the city. (城堡坐落在一座俯瞰城市的山上。)
- The mountains were covered in lush green forests. (山脉被茂密的绿色森林覆盖着。)
- She enjoys painting mountain landscapes. (她喜欢画山水风景。)
- The team faced a mountainous task of completing the project on time. (团队面临着按时完成项目的巨大任务。)
- They went on a hiking trip through the mountainous region. (他们进行了一次穿越多山区的徒步旅行。)
- They built a cabin in the mountains for their summer retreat. (他们在山中建了一间小屋,作为夏季的避暑胜地。)
- The mountains provide a natural barrier between the two countries. (山脉为两国之间提供了天然屏障。)
- We had a picnic in the mountainous area. (我们在山区野餐。)
- The mountainousness of the region makes it ideal for hiking. (这个地区的多山使其成为徒步旅行的理想之地。)
- They set out early to climb the mountain. (他们一大早出发去攀登那座山。)
- The road winds through the mountains, offering stunning views. (道路蜿蜒穿过山脉,提供令人惊叹的景色。)
- The region is famous for its majestic mountains. (这个地区以其雄伟的山脉而闻名。)
- They took a cable car to the top of the mountain. (他们乘坐缆车到山顶。)
- The mountainous region is home to diverse wildlife. (这个多山的地区是多样化野生动物的家园。)