1. 评审的,审查的(reviewing的形容词)
1. 评论家;评论员;书评家
2. 评论者;点评人
1. peer reviewer:同行评审人
2. film reviewer:电影评论家
3. literary reviewer:文学评论家
4. restaurant reviewer:餐厅评论家
evaluator, assessor, appraiser
author, creator, producer
reviewer (noun)
- Someone who writes a report or gives an opinion on a particular subject or event after they have carefully examined it.
- A reviewer is someone who writes critical reviews of new books, plays, films, or music for newspapers or magazines.
reviewer (noun)
A person who writes critical reviews of books, plays, films, etc., for a newspaper or magazine.
1. The reviewers praised the author's use of language in the novel.
2. The film received mixed reviews from critics.
3. The restaurant reviewer gave a glowing review of the new eatery.
4. As a reviewer, it is important to provide objective and constructive feedback.
1. The reviewers unanimously agreed that the performance was exceptional. (评论家们一致认为表演非常出色。)
2. The book received rave reviews from the literary critics. (这本书获得了文学评论家们的热烈好评。)
3. The film garnered mixed reviews, with some praising its cinematography while others criticized its plot. (这部电影获得了褒贬不一的评论,有人赞扬它的摄影技术,而有人批评它的剧情。)
4. The restaurant reviewer described the food as exquisite and the service as impeccable. (餐厅评论家形容这家餐厅的食物精致,服务无可挑剔。)
5. The reviewers provided valuable insights into the artist's latest exhibition. (评论家们对艺术家的最新展览提供了宝贵的见解。)
6. The product received positive reviews from industry experts. (该产品获得了行业专家的积极评价。)
7. The music reviewer praised the singer's vocal range and emotional delivery. (音乐评论家赞扬这位歌手的音域和情感表达。)
8. The theatre reviewer highlighted the strong performances of the lead actors. (戏剧评论家强调了主演们出色的表演。)
9. The book reviewer pointed out some weaknesses in the plot development. (书评家指出了剧情发展中的一些弱点。)
10. The art reviewer critiqued the artist's use of color in the painting. (艺术评论家批评了画家在绘画中使用的色彩。)
11. The film reviewer provided an insightful analysis of the movie's symbolism. (电影评论家对电影的象征意义进行了深入分析。)
12. The restaurant reviewer recommended trying the chef's signature dish. (餐厅评论家推荐尝试主厨的招牌菜。)
13. The music album received rave reviews from both fans and reviewers. (这张音乐专辑在粉丝和评论家中获得了热烈好评。)
14. The literary reviewer praised the author's lyrical writing style. (文学评论家赞扬了作者的抒情写作风格。)
15. The film reviewer criticized the movie's weak character development. (电影评论家批评了电影中角色塑造的不足。)
16. The product reviewer highlighted the durability and functionality of the new gadget. (产品评论家强调了这款新设备的耐用性和功能性。)
17. The theatre reviewer commended the set design and lighting of the play. (戏剧评论家称赞了该剧的布景设计和灯光效果。)
18. The book reviewer gave a detailed synopsis of the novel's plot. (书评家对小说的情节给出了详细的梗概。)
19. The art reviewer described the painting as a masterpiece of contemporary art. (艺术评论家将这幅画描述为当代艺术的杰作。)
20. The film received overwhelmingly positive reviews and became a box office hit. (这部电影获得了极高的好评,成为票房大片。)