leap (名词): A leap is a large jump or sudden movement. (跳跃)
leap (动词): If you leap, you jump high in the air or jump a long distance. (跳跃)
leap (名词): A leap is a large or sudden jump. (跳跃)
leap (动词): If you leap, you jump into the air or jump over something. (跳跃)
1. He made a leap into the air and landed on the other side of the fence.
2. The gazelle leaped away as the lion approached.
3. She took a leap of faith and quit her job to pursue her passion.
4. In a leap year, February has 29 days instead of 28.
1. He made a leap into the air and landed on the other side of the fence. (他跃起来,落在篱笆的另一边。)
2. The gazelle leaped away as the lion approached. (狮子靠近时,瞪羚跳开了。)
3. She took a leap of faith and quit her job to pursue her passion. (她冒险辞去了工作,追求她的激情。)
4. In a leap year, February has 29 days instead of 28. (闰年的2月有29天,不是28天。)
5. The frog leaped from one lily pad to another. (青蛙从一片睡莲叶跳到另一片。)
6. He took a leap forward and caught the ball before it hit the ground. (他向前跃起,抢到了球,还没碰到地面。)
7. The athlete's leap broke the long jump record. (运动员的跳跃打破了跳远纪录。)
8. The cat watched the bird with longing, ready to leap at any moment. (猫眯着眼睛渴望地看着鸟儿,随时准备跳起来。)
9. With a leap of joy, the child ran into his mother's arms. (孩子高兴地跳了起来,跑进了妈妈的怀抱。)
10. The horse leaped over the fence effortlessly. (马毫不费力地跃过了篱笆。)
11. The acrobat performed a daring leap from one trapeze to another. (杂技演员从一个空中秋千跳到另一个,很大胆。)
12. The student made a leap in her understanding of the subject after attending the workshop. (学生参加了研讨会后,对这个学科的理解有了飞跃。)
13. The mountain climber took a leap of faith and scaled the steep cliff. (登山者冒险一跃而上,攀登陡峭的悬崖。)
14. She leaped up in excitement when she heard the good news. (她听到好消息时兴奋地跳了起来。)
15. The athlete's leap was so graceful that it earned him a perfect score. (运动员的跳跃如此优美,使他得到了满分。)
16. The frog leaped out of the pond and landed on a lily pad. (青蛙从池塘里跳了出来,落在一片莲叶上。)
17. The gymnast performed a stunning leap during her floor routine. (体操运动员在地板操练习中表演了一个令人惊叹的跳跃。)
18. The deer leaped across the meadow, effortlessly clearing the tall grass. (鹿跳过草地,毫不费力地穿越高大的草丛。)
19. The cat crouched low, preparing to leap at the mouse. (猫蹲得很低,准备向老鼠扑去。)
20. The dancer's leap across the stage left the audience in awe. (舞者在舞台上的一跃让观众惊叹不已。)