sacrificed [形] 牺牲的;献出的名词
sacrificed [名] 被牺牲的人(或动物);献祭品形容词含义
1. 牺牲的;献出的 例:He made a sacrificed effort to help the victims. (他做出了牺牲性的努力来帮助受害者。)名词含义
1. 被牺牲的人(或动物);献祭品 例:The sacrificed were honored for their bravery. (为了他们的勇敢,那些被牺牲的人得到了崇敬。)词语辨析
- sacrificed vs. sacrificial: - sacrificed 指已经进行了牺牲的行为或已经被牺牲的人或动物。 - sacrificial 指用于牺牲或献祭的,强调正在进行或准备进行的状态。词汇扩充
- sacrifice [动] 牺牲;献祭 - sacrificial [形] 牺牲的;献祭的 - sacrilege [名] 亵渎;渎神罪行 - sacrilegious [形] 亵渎神圣的;不敬的近义词
- give up - surrender - forfeit - relinquish - abandon反义词
- save - protect - preserve柯林斯词典
sacrificed [形] 已牺牲的牛津词典
sacrificed [形] 被牺牲的用法
- "sacrificed" 是 "sacrifice" 的过去分词形式。 - "sacrificed" 作为形容词,修饰名词时表示已经进行了牺牲或献祭的状态。 - "sacrificed" 作为名词,表示被牺牲的人或动物。例句
- He sacrificed his own happiness for the sake of his family. (为了家人,他牺牲了自己的幸福。)
- The soldiers sacrificed their lives to protect their country. (士兵们为了保卫国家献出了生命。)
- They sacrificed their weekend to complete the project on time. (为了按时完成项目,他们放弃了周末。)
- The sacrificed animals were used in the ancient ritual. (被献祭的动物在古代仪式中被使用。)
- The sacrificed were remembered as heroes. (被牺牲者被铭记为英雄。)
- She made a sacrificed effort to support her friend in need. (她做出了牺牲性的努力来支持需要帮助的朋友。)
- In war, many lives are sacrificed for the sake of peace. (在战争中,为了和平,许多生命被牺牲。)
- The sacrificed soldiers were given a proper burial. (被牺牲的士兵得到了适当的安葬。)
- She sacrificed her career to take care of her sick mother. (为了照顾生病的母亲,她放弃了自己的事业。)
- The villagers sacrificed a goat as an offering to the gods. (村民们献祭了一只山羊给神灵。)
- He sacrificed his own desires for the greater good of society. (为了社会的利益,他牺牲了自己的欲望。)
- She felt guilty for the sacrificed time she spent away from her children. (她为离开孩子们而牺牲的时间感到内疚。)
- The sacrificed soldiers were honored with a memorial service. (这些牺牲的士兵得到了纪念仪式的荣誉。)
- The sacrificed animal was cooked and shared among the villagers. (被献祭的动物被烹饪后在村民间共享。)
- The sacrificed resources were used to fund the research project. (被牺牲的资源被用于资助研究项目。)
- She sacrificed her personal time to volunteer at the local shelter. (她牺牲了自己的个人时间,在当地的收容所做志愿者工作。)
- They sacrificed their own comfort to provide for their children. (他们为了孩子们的生活而牺牲了自己的舒适。)
- He sacrificed his pride and apologized for his mistake. (他放下自尊,为自己的错误道歉。)
- The sacrificed soldiers fought bravely until the end. (这些牺牲的士兵战斗到最后,表现勇敢。)
- She sacrificed her own dreams to support her partner's career. (她为了支持伴侣的事业放弃了自己的梦想。)
- The sacrificed animals were offered to the gods as a sign of devotion. (被献祭的动物作为虔诚的象征奉献给了神灵。)