形容词: - honking:巨大的;硕大的 名词: - honk:鹅的叫声;汽车喇叭声词语辨析:
- honk vs. beep:honk指的是汽车或鹅等发出的长而有力的声音,而beep则指的是短促的声音。 - honk vs. hoot:honk强调发出的声音是由鹅或汽车等发出的,而hoot通常用于指猫头鹰的叫声。词汇扩充:
- honker:大鼻子的人;喇叭 - honkiness:喇叭声的特性;喇叭声的质量近义词:
- blare:高声鸣叫 - toot:发出短促的声音 - trumpet:吹喇叭反义词:
- whisper:低声说话;耳语柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
动词: 1. 如果汽车或鹅鸭等发出长而有力的声音,我们可以用honk来形容。 2. honk也可以指按喇叭发出声音。 3. 如果你说某人honks,那说明他们正在使用汽车喇叭。 名词: 1. honk是指鹅等的叫声。 2. honk还可以表示汽车喇叭声。牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
动词: 1. honk可以指汽车或大型汽车发出的长而有力的声音。 2. honk也可以指鹅等发出的叫声。 3. honk还可以表示按喇叭发出声音。 名词: 1. honk是指鹅等的叫声。 2. honk还可以表示汽车喇叭声。用法
动词: - The car honked loudly to warn the pedestrians. (这辆汽车大声鸣笛以警告行人。) - The geese honked as they flew overhead. (大雁在飞过头顶时发出叫声。) - The driver honked at the car in front to get their attention. (司机按喇叭以吸引前面的车辆注意。) 名词: - The honk of the horn startled me. (喇叭声吓了我一跳。) - The honk of the geese echoed through the valley. (鹅的叫声在山谷中回荡。) - The honk of the car's horn signaled the start of the race. (汽车喇叭声标志着比赛的开始。) - I couldn't sleep because of the constant honking outside. (我因为外面不停的喇叭声无法入睡。) 形容词: - The honking geese flew in formation. (大雁排成队列飞行。) - I heard a honking noise coming from the engine. (我听到引擎传来的嘟嘟声。)例句
- The car honked loudly to warn the pedestrians.(这辆汽车大声鸣笛以警告行人。)
- The geese honked as they flew overhead.(大雁在飞过头顶时发出叫声。)
- The driver honked at the car in front to get their attention.(司机按喇叭以吸引前面的车辆注意。)
- The honk of the horn startled me.(喇叭声吓了我一跳。)
- The honk of the geese echoed through the valley.(鹅的叫声在山谷中回荡。)
- The honk of the car's horn signaled the start of the race.(汽车喇叭声标志着比赛的开始。)
- I couldn't sleep because of the constant honking outside.(我因为外面不停的喇叭声无法入睡。)
- The honking geese flew in formation.(大雁排成队列飞行。)
- I heard a honking noise coming from the engine.(我听到引擎传来的嘟嘟声。)
- The car honked impatiently at the slow driver in front.(车子不耐烦地按喇叭催促前面的慢车。)
- The sound of honking horns filled the city streets.(喇叭声充满了城市街头。)
- The honk of the horn startled the dog, causing it to run away.(喇叭声吓到狗,导致它逃跑了。)
- The honk of the geese alerted the other birds to danger.(鹅的叫声向其他鸟类警示危险。)
- The honking cars created a cacophony of noise in the traffic jam.(鸣笛的车辆在交通堵塞中制造出一片嘈杂的声音。)
- The loud honk of the truck's horn startled the pedestrian.(卡车喇叭的巨大声音吓到了行人。)
- He gave a short honk on the horn to say goodbye.(他轻轻按了一下喇叭以示告别。)
- She honked the horn to get the attention of the person inside the house.(她按喇叭以吸引屋内人的注意。)
- The car behind me honked angrily when I didn't move quickly enough.(当我反应不够快时,我后面的车生气地按喇叭。)
- The honk of the horn caused the pedestrian to jump out of the way.(喇叭声使行人跳开了。)
- He honked the horn repeatedly to express his frustration.(他多次按喇叭以表达他的沮丧。)