1. 斧头;斧子词性:可数名词
- He swung the axe and chopped down the tree.(他挥动着斧头砍倒了树。)
- The lumberjack used an axe to cut through the thick tree trunk.(伐木工人用斧头劈开了粗壮的树干。)
- The company announced a significant axe in the workforce.(公司宣布大幅度裁员。)
- Government budget cuts have led to the axe of many public services.(政府预算削减导致了很多公共服务的取消。)
- The manager gave him the axe for consistently underperforming.(经理因为他一直表现不佳而解雇了他。)
- After the scandal, the company decided to give the project the axe.(丑闻曝光后,公司决定终止该项目。)
1. 劈;砍词性:及物动词
- He axed the log into smaller pieces for firewood.(他用斧头把木头劈成更小的块作为柴火。)
- The lumberjack axed down the trees one by one.(伐木工人一个接一个地砍倒树木。)
- The company axed several employees due to budget constraints.(由于预算限制,公司解雇了几名员工。)
- They axed the project after realizing it was not feasible.(他们在意识到该项目不可行后终止了它。)
1. 斧头状的;似斧头的词性:形容词
- The sculpture was made from an axe-shaped piece of metal.(这个雕塑是用一块斧头形状的金属制成的。)
- He had an axe-like scar on his forehead.(他的额头上有一个像斧头一样的疤痕。)
Axe vs. HatchetAxe和hatchet都可以指斧子,但hatchet通常指较小、手持式的斧子。
- chop(动词):砍;劈
- hew(动词):砍;劈
- cleave(动词):劈开;分开
- chopper(名词):斧头;切肉刀
1. hatchet定义:一种小型的手持斧头
- The camper used a hatchet to split the firewood.(露营者用小斧头劈开木柴。)
- He carried a small hatchet in his backpack for emergencies.(他在背包里备有一把小斧头以备不时之需。)
- The museum displayed a collection of ancient tomahawks.(博物馆展出了一系列古老的战斧。)
- Tomahawks were traditionally used as both tools and weapons.(战斧在传统上既被用作工具又被用作武器。)
1. preserve定义:保护;维护
- They decided to preserve the historic building instead of axing it.(他们决定保护这座历史建筑,而不是拆除它。)
- We need to find a way to preserve the natural environment.(我们需要找到一种方法来保护自然环境。)
- The company decided to retain the experienced employees despite the budget cuts.(尽管预算削减,公司决定保留有经验的员工。)
- He managed to retain his title as the champion for three consecutive years.(他连续三年保持了冠军的头衔。)
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
名词- An axe is a tool that has a heavy iron or steel blade at the end of a long wooden handle. It is used for chopping wood.
- If you give someone the axe, you end their employment, especially by dismissing them or making them redundant.
- If a plan or project gets the axe, it is ended or stopped.
- If someone axes something, they reduce it or get rid of it.
- If you axe someone, you end their employment, especially by dismissing them or making them redundant.
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
名词- A tool with a heavy metal head mounted at right angles at the end of a handle, used for tasks such as breaking up rocks or chopping down trees.
- A procedure or action seen as severe or forceful.
- with object] Cut or strike with an axe, especially violently or destructively.
- They used an axe to chop firewood for the winter.
- The company decided to give the project the axe due to budget constraints.
- The manager axed several employees as part of the restructuring process.
- He axed the proposal after realizing it was not feasible.
- 他挥动着斧头砍倒了树。- He swung the axe and chopped down the tree.
- 伐木工人用斧头劈开了粗壮的树干。- The lumberjack used an axe to cut through the thick tree trunk.
- 公司宣布大幅度裁员。- The company announced a significant axe in the workforce.
- 政府预算削减导致了很多公共服务的取消。- Government budget cuts have led to the axe of many public services.
- 经理因为他一直表现不佳而解雇了他。- The manager gave him the axe for consistently underperforming.
- 丑闻曝光后,公司决定终止该项目。- After the scandal, the company decided to give the project the axe.
- 他用斧头把木头劈成更小的块作为柴火。- He axed the log into smaller pieces for firewood.
- 伐木工人一个接一个地砍倒树木。- The lumberjack axed down the trees one by one.
- 由于预算限制,公司解雇了几名员工。- The company axed several employees due to budget constraints.
- 他们在意识到该项目不可行后终止了它。- They axed the project after realizing it was not feasible.
- 这个雕塑是用一块斧头形状的金属制成的。- The sculpture was made from an axe-shaped piece of metal.
- 他的额头上有一个像斧头一样的疤痕。- He had an axe-like scar on his forehead.
- 露营者用小斧头劈开木柴。- The camper used a hatchet to split the firewood.
- 他在背包里备有一把小斧头以备不时之需。- He carried a small hatchet in his backpack for emergencies.
- 博物馆展出了一系列古老的战斧。- The museum displayed a collection of ancient tomahawks.
- 战斧在传统上既被用作工具又被用作武器。- Tomahawks were traditionally used as both tools and weapons.
- 他们决定保护这座历史建筑,而不是拆除它。- They decided to preserve the historic building instead of axing it.
- 我们需要找到一种方法来保护自然环境。- We need to find a way to preserve the natural environment.
- 尽管预算削减,公司决定保留有经验的员工。- The company decided to retain the experienced employees despite the budget cuts.
- 他连续三年保持了冠军的头衔。- He managed to retain his title as the champion for three consecutive years.