1. 药物(药剂) - Drugs are substances that are used as medicines or for the preparation of medicines. They can be either prescription or over-the-counter drugs. (Collins Dictionary) - 药物是用作药品或制药的物质。它们既可以是处方药,也可以是非处方药。 2. 毒品 - Drugs refer to substances that have a stimulating or depressing effect on the central nervous system, causing addiction and dependence. They are illegal and their use is prohibited. (Collins Dictionary) - 毒品指对中枢神经系统有兴奋或抑制作用的物质,会导致成瘾和依赖。毒品是非法的,其使用是被禁止的。形容词
1. 药物的 - Drugs is used as an adjective to describe something related to medicine or medications. (Oxford Dictionary) - Drugs作为形容词用来描述与医学或药物有关的事物。词语辨析
- drugs vs. medicine - Drugs generally refer to substances that have a physiological effect on the body, which can be used for therapeutic purposes or cause harm when abused. Medicines, on the other hand, specifically refer to substances used for treating, curing, or preventing diseases or medical conditions. Not all drugs are medicines, but all medicines are drugs.词汇扩充
- drugstore (名词): A drugstore is a shop where medicines are prepared and sold. (Collins Dictionary) - 药店:药店是一家制备和销售药品的商店。 - drug addict (名词): A drug addict is a person who cannot stop taking drugs, especially illegal ones. (Collins Dictionary) - 吸毒者:吸毒者是指一个无法停止吸食毒品,尤其是非法毒品的人。近义词
- medications (名词): Medications are substances used for treating, curing, or preventing diseases or medical conditions. They are generally prescribed by a healthcare professional. (Collins Dictionary) - 药物:药物是用于治疗、治愈或预防疾病或医疗条件的物质。通常由医疗专业人员开处方。 - narcotics (名词): Narcotics are drugs that produce a sleep-inducing or numbing effect and are often used for pain relief. They can also be addictive and have a potential for abuse. (Collins Dictionary) - 麻醉药:麻醉药是产生催眠或麻木效果的药物,通常用于缓解疼痛。它们也可能会导致成瘾,有滥用的潜在风险。反义词
- sobriety (名词): Sobriety refers to the state of not being intoxicated or under the influence of drugs or alcohol. It is the opposite of being under the influence. (Collins Dictionary) - 清醒状态:清醒状态是指没有醉酒或受药物或酒精影响的状态。它是与醉酒状态相对立的。柯林斯词典
drugs (名词) 1. Substances used as medicines. - 药物 2. Substances that have a physiological effect on the body and are usually used in the treatment of diseases. - 药品 3. Substances that cause addiction, habituation, or a marked change in consciousness and are illegal in many jurisdictions. - 毒品牛津词典
drugs (名词) 1. A medicine or other substance that has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body. - 药物 2. A substance taken for its narcotic or stimulant effects, often illegally. - 毒品用法
- He takes drugs to control his high blood pressure. (他服药物来控制高血压。) - Drug abuse can have serious consequences on one's health. (滥用药物会对健康造成严重后果。) - The government is cracking down on drug trafficking. (政府正在打击贩毒活动。) - The doctor prescribed a new drug for her allergy. (医生给她开了一种新的治疗过敏的药物。)例句
- He was arrested for possession of illegal drugs. (他因持有非法毒品而被逮捕。)
- She is addicted to drugs and needs rehabilitation. (她对毒品上瘾,需要戒毒。)
- The doctor prescribed a drug to relieve her pain. (医生开了一种药物来缓解她的疼痛。)
- He was caught selling drugs to teenagers. (他被抓到向青少年贩卖毒品。)
- Illegal drugs can have devastating effects on individuals and communities. (非法毒品对个人和社区有毁灭性的影响。)
- She has been clean from drugs for three years. (她已经戒毒三年了。)
- The athlete was banned from competition after testing positive for performance-enhancing drugs. (这位运动员在药检中呈阳性后被禁止参加比赛。)
- He has a history of drug abuse and has been in and out of rehab multiple times. (他有吸毒史,多次进出戒毒所。)
- Prescription drugs should only be taken under the supervision of a healthcare professional. (处方药物应该在医疗专业人员的监督下使用。)
- They conducted a raid and seized a large quantity of illegal drugs. (他们进行了突袭,缴获了大量的非法毒品。)
- She works as a pharmacist and dispenses drugs to patients. (她作为一名药剂师,给患者配药。)
- Some drugs can have serious side effects. (一些药物可能会有严重的副作用。)
- The government launched an anti-drug campaign to raise awareness about the dangers of drug abuse. (政府发起了一场反毒品运动,以提高人们对滥用药物危害的认识。)
- He overdosed on drugs and had to be rushed to the hospital. (他服药过量,不得不赶紧送医院。)
- She was caught smuggling drugs across the border. (她被抓到在边境走私毒品。)
- He was arrested for driving under the influence of drugs. (他因酒后驾车被逮捕。)
- The government has implemented stricter regulations to combat the drug trade. (政府实施了更严格的法规来打击毒品交易。)
- She underwent drug rehabilitation and successfully recovered from her addiction. (她接受了戒毒治疗,成功戒除了毒瘾。)
- Students are educated about the dangers of drug abuse in schools. (学校对学生进行滥用药物危害的教育。)
- He was charged with possession of drug paraphernalia. (他被指控持有吸毒工具。)