1. 含义:
1) 值得尊敬的,可敬的;体面的;正派的。
2) 健康的;相当好的。
2. 词语辨析:
1) respectable与respectful的区别:respectable一词强调对外表、声誉或社会地位的重视,而respectful侧重对他人的尊重和礼貌。
2) respectable与respected的区别:respectable指一个人或事物本身的品质或属性,而respected指他人对其的评价和尊重。
3. 词汇扩充:
respectability (n.) 指的是“体面,体面的行为,体面者,体面的社会地位”。
respectably (adv.) 指的是“体面地,可敬地,相当好地”。
4. 近义词:
honorable, worthy, reputable, decent, estimable
5. 反义词:
disreputable, unrespectable, unworthy, disgraceful, discreditable
1. 含义:
1. If you say that someone or something is respectable, you approve of them because they are decent, reliable, and honest.
2. If you say that someone or something is of respectable quality or standard, you mean that they are fairly good or fairly high.
1. A respectable person is someone who is regarded by other people as being good, proper, and correct in the way they live or behave.
1. Regarded by society to be good, proper, or correct.
2. Fairly good; fairly high in standard.
1. A person regarded by others, especially in a particular social group or job, as being good, proper, and correct.
1. 【形容词】respectable常用于描述人、社会地位、行为、事物质量等。
2. 【名词】respectable常用于指被他人或特定社会群体视为正派、得体、正确的人。
- He comes from a respectable family. (他出身于一个体面的家庭。)
- She has a respectable job as a lawyer. (她拥有一个体面的工作,是一名律师。)
- The company has a respectable reputation in the industry. (该公司在该行业有着良好的声誉。)
- He is a respectable member of society. (他是社会上备受尊敬的成员。)
- They live in a respectable neighborhood. (他们住在一个体面的社区。)
- His performance in the exam was quite respectable. (他在考试中的表现相当不错。)
- We had a respectable turnout at the event. (活动上有相当可观的人数参加。)
- She maintains a respectable level of fitness. (她保持着相当不错的健康水平。)
- They have a respectable collection of art. (他们拥有一套相当不错的艺术品收藏。)
- She is a respectable citizen of the country. (她是这个国家的一个体面公民。)
- He is well-respected in his field. (他在自己的领域内备受尊敬。)
- They come from a respected family. (他们出身于一个备受尊敬的家庭。)
- Their behavior was highly respectable. (他们的行为非常体面。)
- He is a respected member of the community. (他是社区中备受尊敬的成员。)
- She always speaks with respect to her elders. (她总是对长辈保持尊敬的言辞。)
- The company is known for its respectable business practices. (该公司以其体面的商业行为而闻名。)
- He is a man of respectable character. (他是一个品格高尚的人。)
- The book received respectable reviews from critics. (这本书受到评论家的好评。)
- She managed to achieve a respectable score in the competition. (她在比赛中取得了一个相当不错的分数。)
- He earns a respectable income from his job. (他从工作中获得相当可观的收入。)
- The restaurant offers a respectable selection of wines. (这家餐厅提供了一系列不错的葡萄酒供选择。)
- They have built a respectable business empire. (他们已经建立起一个相当不错的商业帝国。)