中英词典- "haunted"
haunted [ˈhɔːntɪd] (adj.)
- 鬼魂出没的;闹鬼的。例:a haunted house(闹鬼的房子)
- 反复出现在脑海中的;缠绕心头的。例:a haunted look(忧心忡忡的表情)
- 受到困扰的;受到纠缠的。例:a haunted past(困扰着的过去)
haunted (n.)
- 闹鬼的地方;闹鬼的屋子。例:The old mansion is rumored to be a haunted.(传言那座古老的大厦闹鬼。)
1. haunted vs. ghostly
1. haunt(动词)- 不断困扰;常出没于
2. haunter(名词)- 经常出没之人;爱去的地方
ghostly, spectral, spooky, eerie, uncanny
unhaunted, ghost-free
haunted (adj.)
If a place is haunted, it is believed to be visited by spirits of dead people.
haunted (adj.)
(of a place) frequented by a ghost.
1. The old mansion is rumored to be haunted.(传言那座古老的大厦闹鬼。)
2. She had a haunted expression on her face.(她脸上带着忧心忡忡的表情。)
- The abandoned house stood on the hill, its broken windows and overgrown garden giving it a haunted appearance.(荒废的房子矗立在山上,破窗和荒芜的花园让它看起来像个闹鬼的地方。)
- Every night, the haunted memories of her past would resurface, tormenting her as she tried to sleep.(每天晚上,她过去的阴影总是会浮现出来,让她在试图入睡时备受折磨。)
- He had a haunted look in his eyes, as if he had seen something that shook him to his core.(他眼中有一种忧心忡忡的神情,好像他看到了什么让他心神不宁的事情。)
- Legend has it that the old castle is haunted by the ghost of a long-dead queen.(传说这座古堡被一个已故女王的鬼魂所缠扰。)
- The haunted house had a chilling atmosphere, with strange noises and unexplained phenomena occurring regularly.(这所闹鬼的房子有一种令人毛骨悚然的氛围,奇怪的声音和无法解释的现象经常发生。)
- She couldn't escape the haunted memories of her childhood, no matter how hard she tried to forget.(无论她如何努力忘记,她都无法逃避童年时困扰着她的阴影。)
- The novel is a haunted tale of lost love and supernatural occurrences.(这本小说是一个关于失去的爱和超自然事件的阴郁故事。)
- Visiting the haunted castle at night was not for the faint-hearted.(晚上参观闹鬼的城堡不适合胆小的人。)
- The children dared each other to spend a night in the haunted house, but none of them had the courage to follow through.(孩子们互相勉强谁能在闹鬼的房子里过夜,但他们一个也没有勇气坚持下去。)
- The haunted look in her eyes told me that she was carrying a heavy burden.(她眼里的忧心忡忡告诉我她背负着沉重的负担。)
- They decided to investigate the haunted legends surrounding the old cemetery.(他们决定调查有关这座古老墓地的闹鬼传说。)
- She felt a haunted presence in the room, as if someone was watching her every move.(她感到房间里有一种令人不安的存在,好像有人在注视着她的一举一动。)
- He couldn't shake off the haunted feeling that he was being followed.(他无法摆脱那种被跟踪的不安感。)
- The haunted memories of his time in the war haunted him for the rest of his life.(他在战争中的阴影让他余生备受困扰。)
- They decided to spend the night in the haunted mansion, hoping to capture evidence of the supernatural.(他们决定在闹鬼的大厦里过夜,希望能够捕捉到超自然的证据。)
- She had a haunted look on her face, as if she had seen a ghost.(她脸上有一种忧心忡忡的表情,好像她看到了鬼。)
- The haunted history of the old town added to its eerie charm.(这座古老城镇的闹鬼历史增添了一份神秘的魅力。)
- The movie is a haunted thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat.(这部电影是一部扣人心弦的恐怖片,会让你坐立不安。)
- She had a haunted look in her eyes, as if she was reliving a traumatic experience.(她眼中有一种忧心忡忡的神情,好像她正在回想一段创伤经历。)
- The haunted castle was said to be cursed, with anyone who entered never returning.(据说这座闹鬼的城堡被诅咒了,任何进入的人都不会回来。)
- He claimed to have seen a haunted apparition floating through the room.(他声称看到一个鬼魂般的幻影在房间中飘荡。)