1. dominant:占优势的,支配的
1. dominance:主导地位,统治地位
2. predominance:优势,统治地位
3. ascendancy:优势地位,统治地位
4. control:控制,支配
5. mastery:掌握,统治
6. rule:统治,控制
7. power:权力,支配力
1. control:控制,支配
2. authority:权威,权力
3. influence:影响力,主导地位
4. superiority:优势,占优势
5. preeminence:卓越,占优势
1. submission:屈服,服从
2. subordination:降低地位,从属
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)中对dominance的定义:
1. The dominance of a particular person or thing is the fact that they are more powerful, successful, or important than other people or things.
2. If there is a dominance of one group or thing over another, the first one is more powerful, successful, or important than the second one.
3. If there is a dominance of one feature of something, this feature is more noticeable or important than any other.
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)中对dominance的定义:
1. Power and influence over others.
2. Genetics: The property of a gene that determines the phenotypic expression of an organism, trait, or characteristic.
1. The company's dominance in the market allowed it to set high prices.
2. The dominance of the political party was challenged by a new emerging group.
3. The dominance of the sun in our solar system is unquestionable.
4. She exuded an air of dominance and control.
5. The dominance of the military in the country's affairs is concerning.
6. The team's dominance in the tournament was evident from their consistent wins.
7. The dominance of the ruling class cannot be underestimated.
8. The dominance of technology in our daily lives is undeniable.
中英双语对照例句(Bilingual example sentences):
1. The dominance of the English language in global communication is well-established.(英语在全球交流中的主导地位是确立的。)
2. The team's dominance on the field was evident as they won every match.(球场上球队的统治地位显而易见,他们赢得了每一场比赛。)
3. The dominance of the big corporations stifles competition in the market.(大公司的统治地位扼杀了市场竞争。)
4. The dominance of the ruling party in the government is a cause for concern.(执政党在政府中的统治地位令人担忧。)
5. The dominance of the color red in the painting creates a powerful visual impact.(画作中红色的主导地位产生了强烈的视觉冲击。)
6. The coach's dominance over the team is evident in their disciplined performance.(教练对队伍的统治地位在他们纪律严明的表现中显而易见。)
7. The dominance of the heavyweight boxer was unquestionable as he knocked out his opponent in the first round.(重量级拳击手的统治地位是无可置疑的,因为他在第一回合就击倒了对手。)
8. The company's dominance in the industry is a result of its innovative products and strong marketing strategy.(该公司在行业中的主导地位是其创新产品和强大的营销策略的结果。)
9. The dominance of social media in today's society is undeniable.(社交媒体在当今社会的主导地位是不可否认的。)
10. The team's dominance in the championship was evident as they won by a significant margin.(该队在锦标赛中的统治地位显而易见,他们以明显的优势获胜。)
11. The dominance of the queen bee in the hive is crucial for the functioning of the colony.(蜂巢中女王蜂的统治地位对于蜂群的运作至关重要。)
12. The dominance of the fashion industry in this city is reflected in the numerous designer boutiques.(该城市时尚业的主导地位在众多的设计师精品店中得以体现。)
13. The dominance of the ruling party has led to limited political freedom in the country.(执政党的统治地位导致了该国政治自由的受限。)
14. The dominance of the king was challenged by a rebellion in the kingdom.(国王的统治地位受到了王国内的叛乱的挑战。)
15. The dominance of the technology sector in the stock market has driven the overall market performance.(科技行业在股市中的主导地位推动了整体市场的表现。)
16. The dominance of the fast-food chains in the city has affected the local restaurant businesses.(快餐连锁店在该市的主导地位影响了当地的餐厅业务。)
17. The dominance of the wealthy elite in politics is a barrier to social equality.(富有的精英在政治中的主导地位是社会平等的障碍。)
18. The dominance of the incumbent president in the election was evident as he won by a landslide.(现任总统在选举中的统治地位显而易见,他以压倒性优势获胜。)
19. The dominance of the military in the country's affairs has led to a lack of civilian control.(军队在该国事务中的主导地位导致了缺乏民事控制。)
20. The dominance of the company in the market is attributed to its strong brand image and customer loyalty.(该公司在市场中的主导地位归功于其强大的品牌形象和客户忠诚度。)