1. 圣洁的;神圣的;崇高的
- 中文释义:指具有神圣或高尚品质的。
- 英文释义:having a sacred or noble quality.
- 词汇扩充:holy, divine, righteous
- 例句:
a. Mother Teresa was considered a saint for her selfless dedication to helping others. (特蕾莎修女因为她无私地帮助他人而被认为是个圣人。)
b. The saint atmosphere of the cathedral made people feel peaceful. (大教堂的神圣氛围让人感到平静。)
2. 善良的;无私的
- 中文释义:指具有高尚道德品质的。
- 英文释义:having virtuous or morally good qualities.
- 词汇扩充:virtuous, benevolent, selfless
- 例句:
a. My grandmother was a saint who always put others before herself. (我的祖母是个总是把别人放在自己之前的善良的人。)
b. He dedicated his life to charitable acts and was known as a saint in the community. (他把自己的一生都奉献给了慈善事业,因此在社区里被称为圣人。)
1. 圣人;圣徒
- 中文释义:在某些宗教中被认为已死去的人,他们的生活和行为被认为非常圣洁。
- 英文释义:a person who is considered to be holy and who is officially recognized after their death by a particular religious group, especially the Roman Catholic Church.
- 词汇扩充:holy person, holy man, saintly figure
- 例句:
a. St. Francis of Assisi is one of the most well-known saints in Catholicism. (圣方济各是天主教中最著名的圣人之一。)
b. People pray to saints for intercession with God. (人们向圣人祈祷,请求他们与上帝代为求情。)
2. 圣徒;信徒
- 中文释义:指信仰某宗教的人。
- 英文释义:a person who follows or adheres to a particular religious faith or belief.
- 词汇扩充:believer, worshiper, devotee
- 例句:
a. The saints gather at the church every Sunday for worship. (信徒们每个星期天都会在教堂聚会参加礼拜。)
b. The festival attracts thousands of saints from all over the world. (这个节日吸引了来自世界各地的成千上万的信徒。)
1. saint vs. angel
- saint:refers to a person who is exceptionally virtuous and recognized as holy after death, especially in religious contexts.
- angel:refers to a spiritual being believed to act as a messenger of God, often depicted as having wings.
- 例句:
a. Mother Teresa was considered a saint for her selfless acts of kindness. (特蕾莎修女因为她无私的慈善行为而被认为是一位圣人。)
b. The painting depicted an angel with golden wings. (这幅画描绘了一位拥有金色翅膀的天使。)
2. saint vs. martyr
- saint:refers to a person who is recognized as holy and virtuous by a religious group after their death.
- martyr:refers to a person who sacrifices their life or undergoes great suffering for their beliefs, often considered a hero or saint by others.
- 例句:
a. St. Stephen was the first Christian martyr to be stoned to death. (圣斯德望是第一位被以石头砸死的基督徒烈士。)
b. Joan of Arc was later recognized as a saint for her martyrdom. (后来,因为她的殉道,贞德被认定为一位圣人。)
1. holy
- 中文释义:神圣的。
- 英文释义:regarded with particular reverence or respect; hallowed.
- 例句:
a. The ancient temple is a place of holy worship. (这座古老的庙宇是一个神圣的崇拜场所。)
b. The holy scriptures are considered sacred texts by believers. (信徒们认为那些神圣的经文是神圣的文本。)
2. pious
- 中文释义:虔诚的。
- 英文释义:devoutly religious; having or showing a dutiful spirit of reverence for God or an earnest wish to fulfill religious obligations.
- 例句:
a. The pious man prayed at the altar every morning. (那个虔诚的人每天早上在祭坛上祈祷。)
b. She lived a pious life, devoted to her faith and charitable works. (她过着虔诚的生活,专心致志于她的信仰和慈善事业。)
1. sinner
- 中文释义:罪人。
- 英文释义:a person who transgresses against divine law by committing a sin.
- 例句:
a. Despite his past mistakes, he was able to change and become a saint instead of a sinner. (尽管他过去犯过错误,但他能够改变,成为一个圣人而不是一个罪人。)
b. The preacher emphasized the need for repentance and forgiveness for all sinners. (传道者强调了对所有罪人的忏悔和宽恕的必要性。)
2. impious
- 中文释义:不敬神的。
- 英文释义:not showing respect or reverence, especially for a god.
- 例句:
a. The impious behavior of the cult members shocked the community. (那个邪教成员的不敬行为震惊了社区。)
b. The king was known for his impious disregard for religious traditions. (这位国王以对宗教传统的不敬而闻名。)
saint in British English
1. a person who after death is formally recognized by a Christian Church, especially the Roman Catholic Church, as having lived in such a way that he or she is a model of holiness, virtue, and devotion to God.
2. a person who is exceptionally kind, patient, generous, or helpful.
saint in English
1. a person acknowledged as holy or virtuous and regarded in Christian faith as being in heaven after death.
2. a very virtuous, kind, or patient person.
1. The saint was known for his miracles and acts of charity.
2. She has the patience of a saint.
3. The church celebrates the feast day of a different saint each day.
4. He was canonized as a saint by the Pope.
5. The saint's relics are on display in the cathedral.
- He dedicated his life to helping the poor and is now regarded as a saint. (他把自己的一生都奉献给了帮助穷人,现在被认为是一个圣人。)
- She has the patience of a saint. (她有着耐心如圣人。)
- The saint was known for his miracles and acts of charity. (这位圣人以他的奇迹和慈善行为而闻名。)
- The church celebrates the feast day of a different saint each day. (教堂每天都庆祝不同圣人的圣日。)
- St. Francis of Assisi is one of the most well-known saints in Catholicism. (方济各圣人是天主教中最著名的圣人之一。)
- People pray to saints for intercession with God. (人们向圣人祈祷,请求他们与上帝代为求情。)
- My grandmother was a saint who always put others before herself. (我的祖母是个总是把别人放在自己之前的善良的人。)
- Despite his past mistakes, he was able to change and become a saint instead of a sinner. (尽管他过去犯过错误,但他能够改变,成为一个圣人而不是一个罪人。)
- The ancient temple is a place of holy worship. (这座古老的庙宇是一个神圣的崇拜场所。)
- The holy scriptures are considered sacred texts by believers. (信徒们认为那些神圣的经文是神圣的文本。)
- The painting depicted an angel with golden wings. (这幅画描绘了一位拥有金色翅膀的天使。)
- Joan of Arc was later recognized as a saint for her martyrdom. (后来,因为她的殉道,贞德被认定为一位圣人。)
- She lived a pious life, devoted to her faith and charitable works. (她过着虔诚的生活,专心致志于她的信仰和慈善事业。)
- The preacher emphasized the need for repentance and forgiveness for all sinners. (传道者强调了对所有罪人的忏悔和宽恕的必要性。)
- The impious behavior of the cult members shocked the community. (那个邪教成员的不敬行为震惊了社区。)
- The king was known for his impious disregard for religious traditions. (这位国王以对宗教传统的不敬而闻名。)