《柯林斯词典》(Collins Dictionary)解释
quake (kweɪk) noun verb
- A quake is an earthquake.
- A quake is a shaking movement of the ground.
- If you quake, you shake because you are very afraid or nervous.
- If a place or building quakes, it shakes because of an explosion or an earthquake.
《牛津词典》(Oxford Dictionary)解释
quake (kweɪk) noun verb
- A quake is an earthquake.
- A quake is a shaking movement of the ground.
- If you quake, you shake because you are very afraid or nervous.
- If a place or building quakes, it shakes because of an explosion or an earthquake.
- quaking: 震动的,颤动的
- quaky: 震动的,颤动的
- quake: 地震,震动
earthquake: 地震(一次短暂的地壳震动)
tremor: 震颤(尤指次于地震的小规模震颤)
quake: 震动(地震或其他原因引起的震动)
earthquake: 地震
tremor: 震颤
seismic activity: 地震活动
shaking: 震动
temblor (美国英语): 地震
earthquake, tremor, seismic activity
calm, stillness
- She quaked with fear when she heard the loud crash.
- The ground quaked under our feet during the earthquake.
- The quake caused significant damage to the city.
- We felt a slight quake while sitting in the house.
- During the earthquake, the buildings quaked violently. 震荡发生时,建筑物剧烈摇晃。
- She quaked with fear when the ground started to shake. 当地面开始震动时,她吓得发抖。
- The quake caused widespread panic among the population. 地震引发了民众的普遍恐慌。
- He felt a slight quake and wondered if it was an earthquake. 他感到轻微的震动,不知道是否是地震。
- The quake damaged several buildings in the city. 地震损坏了城市中的几座建筑物。
- The tremors from the quake were felt hundreds of kilometers away. 地震引起的震颤感觉到数百公里之外。
- The quake shook the entire region, causing extensive destruction. 地震震动了整个地区,造成了广泛的破坏。
- The quake registered a magnitude of 6.5 on the Richter scale. 这次地震在里氏震级上达到了6.5级。
- After the quake, rescue teams were sent to search for survivors. 地震发生后,救援队伍被派去搜寻幸存者。
- The villagers are still recovering from the devastating quake. 村民们仍在从毁灭性的地震中恢复过来。
- The quake caused massive landslides in the mountainous area. 地震在山区引发了大规模的山体滑坡。
- She could feel the ground quake beneath her feet. 她感觉到地面在她脚下颤动。
- The quake was a wake-up call for better earthquake preparedness. 地震警示我们加强地震准备工作。
- The region is prone to quakes due to its proximity to tectonic plates. 该地区由于靠近构造板块而容易发生地震。
- He was trembling, his whole body quaking with fear. 他浑身发抖,充满恐惧。
- The quake was felt as far as the neighboring country. 地震的震动一直传到邻国。
- Her voice quaked as she spoke about the traumatic experience. 她谈到那次创伤经历时声音颤抖。
- The quake left a lasting impact on the region's infrastructure. 地震对该地区的基础设施造成了长期影响。
- We gathered in an open field during the quake to avoid falling debris. 地震期间我们聚集在一个空旷的地方,以免被掉落的碎片砸到。
- Scientists study seismic activity to better understand earthquakes. 科学家研究地震活动以更好地理解地震。