1. 指行为或态度激进的,好斗的
2. 指坚决、积极地追求目标的
1. 指好斗的人
aggressively 和其它形容词的区别:
1. aggressive 比 assertive 更强调攻击性和敌对性。
2. aggressive 比 proactive 更强调积极主动追求目标。
aggressive(好斗的,侵略性的), assertive(自信的,坚定的), proactive(积极主动的), combative(好斗的,好战的), confrontational(对抗性的,挑衅的)
combatively, assertively, proactively, confrontationally
passively, defensively, nonaggressively, unassertively, noncombatively
aggressively (adverb): If you behave or speak aggressively, you are angry and shout or threaten people.
例句:He could have argued his case more aggressively. (他本可以更激烈地辩护自己。)
aggressively (adverb): In a forceful way that shows you are determined to attack or make progress.
例句:The company has been aggressively expanding its overseas operations. (该公司一直在积极扩展其海外业务。)
1. She approached the negotiation aggressively. (她以积极主动的态度进行谈判。)
2. The team played aggressively and scored a goal. (该队员表现出积极进取的精神,并打进了一球。)
3. He defended himself aggressively against the accusations. (他对指责进行了积极辩护。)
4. The company is aggressively targeting younger consumers with its new advertising campaign. (该公司正在积极地以新的广告活动针对年轻消费者。)
5. The politician's aggressive speech stirred up controversy. (这位政治家的慷慨激昂的演讲引起了争议。)
6. The dog growled aggressively at the mail carrier. (那只狗对着邮递员恶狠狠地吼叫。)
7. The coach encouraged the team to play aggressively and take risks. (教练鼓励队员们积极进攻、冒险。)
8. The protesters marched aggressively towards the government building. (抗议者们向政府大楼激进地游行。)
9. He argued aggressively against the proposed changes. (他激烈地反对提议的改变。)
10. The company is aggressively pursuing new business opportunities. (该公司正在积极追求新的商机。)
11. The boxer attacked aggressively from the first bell. (拳击手从第一声钟声起就采取积极进攻。)
12. She walked aggressively towards him, ready to confront him. (她决然向他走去,准备与他对峙。)
13. The marketing team is taking aggressive measures to increase sales. (市场团队正在采取积极的措施来增加销售额。)
14. The company is aggressively expanding into international markets. (该公司正在积极扩展国际市场。)
15. The soccer player tackled the opponent aggressively. (这个足球运动员积极地阻止对手。)
16. She asserted herself aggressively during the meeting. (会议期间,她积极肯定自己的立场。)
17. The sales team is aggressively pursuing new clients. (销售团队正在积极追求新客户。)
18. The dog barked aggressively at the stranger. (这只狗对陌生人大声吠叫。)
19. They adopted an aggressive strategy to win the contract. (他们采取了一种积极进攻的策略来赢得合同。)
20. The company is aggressively competing with its rivals in the market. (该公司正在市场上与竞争对手展开激烈竞争。)