task [tɑːsk]
task [tɑːsk]
相关动词:assign, delegate, allocate
相关名词:assignment, duty, mission
job, assignment, duty, mission
leisure, relaxation
task (tasks) noun
task (tasks) noun
常见搭配:complete/finish a task, undertake a task, assign a task, perform a task, accomplish a task
- He was given the task of organizing the conference. (他被交给了组织会议的任务。)
- The students were assigned a writing task. (学生们被分配了一项写作任务。)
- She finds it difficult to juggle the tasks of parenting and working. (她发现很难同时兼顾育儿和工作。)
- My main task today is to finish the report. (我今天的主要任务是完成报告。)
- He was faced with the daunting task of turning around a failing company. (他面临着扭转一家失败的公司的艰巨任务。)
- Her task was to interview the candidates for the job. (她的任务是面试这个职位的候选人。)
- She has a long list of tasks to complete before the deadline. (她有一长串任务需要在截止日期之前完成。)
- He was given the task of finding a solution to the problem. (他被交给了找到问题解决方案的任务。)
- The team tasked with designing the new product is making good progress. (负责设计新产品的团队进展顺利。)
- She tasked me with organizing the event. (她委派我负责组织这个活动。)
- They finally accomplished the task after months of hard work. (经过数月的辛勤工作,他们终于完成了任务。)
- The company delegated the task of marketing to a specialized team. (公司将市场营销的任务委托给了一个专门的团队。)
- He was assigned the task of training the new employees. (他被分派了培训新员工的任务。)
- She performed her tasks efficiently and received praise from her supervisor. (她高效地完成了她的任务,并得到了上司的赞扬。)
- The task at hand requires our full attention. (手头的任务需要我们全力以赴。)
- She spends hours each day on household chores and other tasks. (她每天花几个小时做家务和其他事务。)
- He has a never-ending list of tasks to complete. (他有一长串永无止境的任务需要完成。)
- The team worked together to accomplish the difficult task. (团队共同努力完成了这项艰巨任务。)
- She divided the tasks among the team members. (她将任务分配给了团队成员。)
- He overcame various obstacles in order to complete the task. (他克服了各种障碍以完成任务。)
- They collaborated on the task and produced excellent results. (他们合作完成了任务,并取得了出色的成果。)