ancestors [ˈænsɪstərz] (复数)
- 祖先
- 祖宗
- 始祖
ancestral [ænˈsɛstrəl]
- 祖先的
- 祖传的
- If you refer to someone's ancestors, you are referring to people who are related to them and who lived a long time ago.
- An ancestral home or estate is one that has belonged to a family for many years.
- A person, typically one more remote than a grandparent, from whom one is descended.
- Of, belonging to, or inherited from a predecessor.
related terms: ancestors, forebears, forefathers, progenitors, predecessors, family tree, genealogy
ancestors 和 forefathers 都意指祖先,但ancestors更常用于指代较长时间之前的祖先,而forefathers更常用于指代较近的祖先。
forebears, forefathers, progenitors, predecessors, foremothers
- He traced his ancestors back to the 17th century.
- My ancestors came from Ireland.
- She has a deep respect for her ancestors.
- The house has been in the family for generations and is considered an ancestral home.
- He inherited an ancestral estate.
- My ancestors emigrated from Italy to the United States in the early 20th century. (我的祖先在20世纪初从意大利移民到美国。)
- She felt a strong connection to her African ancestors. (她与她的非洲祖先有着强烈的联系。)
- The museum showcases artifacts from our ancestors. (博物馆展示了我们祖先的文物。)
- He is proud of his ancestral heritage. (他为自己的祖传遗产感到自豪。)
- They returned to their ancestral village to celebrate the Lunar New Year. (他们回到他们的祖籍村庄庆祝农历新年。)
- The family decided to restore their ancestral home. (这个家族决定修复他们的祖宅。)
- She inherited an ancestral estate in the countryside. (她继承了一处位于乡村的祖产。)
- His ancestors were pioneers who settled in the wild west. (他的祖先是在西部荒野定居的先驱者。)
- He discovered an old diary written by his ancestors. (他发现了一本他祖先写的旧日记。)
- She has a strong connection to her Native American ancestors. (她与她的美洲原住民祖先有着紧密的联系。)
- They visited the cemetery where their ancestors were buried. (他们参观了他们祖先被埋葬的墓地。)
- He researched his ancestral lineage and discovered he had ties to a royal family. (他研究了他的祖先血统,发现他与一家皇室有关联。)
- She found an old family photo album that showcased their ancestors. (她找到了一本展示他们祖先的旧家庭相册。)
- The ancestral traditions are passed down from generation to generation. (这些祖传的传统代代相传。)
- He discovered an ancestral burial ground on the outskirts of the village. (他在村庄郊外发现了一个祖先的埋葬地。)
- The family decided to visit their ancestral homeland in search of their roots. (这个家庭决定访问他们祖先的故乡,寻找他们的根源。)
- She inherited her grandmother's ancestral heirlooms. (她继承了她祖母的祖传珍宝。)
- He discovered an ancestral document that revealed his family's history. (他发现了一份揭示他家族历史的祖传文件。)
- The village celebrates an ancestral festival every year to honor their forefathers. (该村庄每年都会举办一次祖传盛会,以纪念他们的祖先。)
- She feels a deep connection to her Scottish ancestors. (她与她的苏格兰祖先有着深厚的联系。)
- He took a DNA test to trace his ancestors and determine his genetic heritage. (他进行了DNA测试,追溯他的祖先并确定他的遗传血统。)