1. palm (adj.)
英文释义:relating to or characteristic of the palm of the hand
- The palm print was used as evidence in the investigation. (这个手掌的印迹被用作调查的证据。)
- She placed her palm on the door to feel if it was warm. (她将手掌放在门上感受是否温暖。)
1. palm (n.)
英文释义:the inner surface of the hand between the wrist and fingers
- She held the coin in the palm of her hand. (她将硬币握在手掌中。)
- He wiped his sweaty palms on his trousers. (他用裤子擦拭湿漉漉的手掌。)
2. palm (n.)
英文释义:a tree of tropical climates that typically has a straight, tall trunk with large, fan-shaped leaves at the top
- We relaxed under the shade of the palm trees. (我们在棕榈树的阴影下放松身心。)
- Coconut palms are commonly found in coastal areas. (椰子树通常生长在沿海地区。)
palm vs. hand
中文译:手掌 vs. 手
- He placed the coin in his palm. (他将硬币放在手掌中。)
- She held the book in her hand. (她手里拿着书。)
1. palmate (adj.)
英文释义:having lobes or leaflets that spread out from a common point, like the fingers of a hand
- The palmate leaves of the maple tree turned vibrant shades of red in the autumn. (枫树的手掌状叶片在秋天变成了鲜艳的红色。)
- The palmate coral is characterized by its finger-like branches. (手掌状珊瑚以其指状的分支为特点。)
2. palmistry (n.)
英文释义:the practice of interpreting the lines and marks on the palm of a person's hand as an indication of character or fortune
- She went to the fortune teller to have her palmistry read. (她去算命先生那里看手相。)
- Palmistry has been practiced for centuries in many cultures. (手相学在许多文化中已经有几个世纪的历史了。)
hand, mitt, paw
back, dorsal
palm (noun)
1. The palm of your hand is the inside part of your hand, between your fingers and your wrist. (你的手掌是你手的内侧部分,位于手指和手腕之间。)
2. A palm is a tree that grows in hot countries. It has long leaves at the top, and no branches except at the very top. (棕榈树是一种生长在热带国家的树木。它顶部有长叶子,除了顶部几乎没有树枝。)
palm (verb)
If you palm something, you hide it in the palm of your hand. (如果你将某物藏在手掌中,你就是在掌握它。)
palm (noun)
1. The inner surface of the hand between the wrist and fingers. (手腕和手指之间的手的内侧表面。)
2. A leaf of the palm, regarded as a symbol of victory or rejoicing. (手掌的叶子,被视为胜利或欢乐的象征。)
palm (verb)
Conceal (a small object) in the hand, especially as part of a trick or theft. (隐藏(小物体)在手中,尤其是作为戏法或盗窃的一部分。)
1. He held the coin tightly in his palm.
2. The child's hand fits perfectly in my palm.
3. She read his fortune by examining the lines on his palm.
4. The beach was lined with tall palm trees.
5. He skillfully palmed the card during the magic trick.
- The palm print was used as evidence in the investigation. (这个手掌的印迹被用作调查的证据。)
- She placed her palm on the door to feel if it was warm. (她将手掌放在门上感受是否温暖。)
- She held the coin in the palm of her hand. (她将硬币握在手掌中。)
- He wiped his sweaty palms on his trousers. (他用裤子擦拭湿漉漉的手掌。)
- We relaxed under the shade of the palm trees. (我们在棕榈树的阴影下放松身心。)
- Coconut palms are commonly found in coastal areas. (椰子树通常生长在沿海地区。)
- He placed the coin in his palm. (他将硬币放在手掌中。)
- She held the book in her hand. (她手里拿着书。)
- The palmate leaves of the maple tree turned vibrant shades of red in the autumn. (枫树的手掌状叶片在秋天变成了鲜艳的红色。)
- The palmate coral is characterized by its finger-like branches. (手掌状珊瑚以其指状的分支为特点。)
- She went to the fortune teller to have her palmistry read. (她去算命先生那里看手相。)
- Palmistry has been practiced for centuries in many cultures. (手相学在许多文化中已经有几个世纪的历史了。)