patches [ˈpætʃɪz] 形容词: 1. 补丁的;修补的;有斑点的 名词: 1. 小块地;小片地区 2. 斑点;补丁 3. (尤指服装上的)装饰图案 4. 草地;运动场 5. (计算机) 补丁;程序修补 词语辨析: 1. patchwork:指由不同颜色或不同材料的小块拼接而成的补丁图案,或者指由多种不同事物构成的混杂组合物。 2. spot:指面积小、形状不规则的斑点,常用于描述物体表面的小污点或瑕疵。 词汇扩充: 1. patchiness:名词,不均匀;补丁状 2. patchwork:名词,拼布;拼缝物 3. patcher:名词,修补工;缝补者 近义词: 1. spot 2. stain 3. mark 4. blot 5. speckle 反义词: 1. whole 2. unblemished 3. intact柯林斯词典
patches (名词) [ˈpætʃɪz] 1. A patch of something is a part of it which is different or which has been affected in some way. 例句:There is a patch of light on the rug. 地毯上有一块光斑。 2. A patch of something such as cloth is a small piece of it which you use to repair something. 例句:I sewed a patch over the hole in his jeans. 我在他的牛仔裤上缝了一个补丁来修补洞口。 3. A patch is a small area of a surface which is different from other areas. 例句:There were patches of damp on the walls. 墙上有一些斑点。 4. A patch of land is a small area of it. 例句:...a patch of land next to the house. ...靠近房子的一片土地。 5. A patch of something is a small area of it which is different from the area surrounding it. 例句:...a patch of dry skin on his forehead. ...他额头上的一块干燥的皮肤。 6. If you say that someone is in a particular kind of patch, you mean that they are experiencing a difficult or unpleasant situation. 例句:I was in a pretty sticky patch in my life. 我的生活陷入了困境。 7. A patch of colour is a small area of it that is a different colour from the area surrounding it. 例句:...patches of red paint. ...红色的斑点。牛津词典
patches (名词) [ˈpætʃɪz] 1. A small area of something, especially one which is different from the area around it. 例句:There were patches of fog on the highway. 公路上有雾团。 2. A small piece of ground, especially one used for gardening or sports. 例句:A vegetable patch. 菜地。 3. A small, distinct area or space. 例句:A patch of blue sky. 一片蓝天。 4. A small piece of material used to mend a hole or strengthen a weak point. 例句:He sewed a patch onto the elbow of the jacket. 他在夹克的肘部缝了一个补丁。 5. A small, distinct area or space. 例句:A patch of oil. 一滩油。 6. A period or state of difficulty, typically one that is temporary. 例句:She's going through a rough patch at the moment. 她现在正经历着困境。 7. (计算机) A small piece of code inserted into a program in order to correct a fault or improve its operation. 例句:A software patch. 软件补丁。用法示例
- She sewed a patch on her jacket. (她在夹克上缝了一个补丁。)
- There are patches of grass in the garden. (花园里有几块草地。)
- He has a patch of gray hair on his head. (他头上有一块灰色的头发。)
- The doctor applied a patch to the patient's wound. (医生给患者的伤口贴上了一块创可贴。)
- She's going through a rough patch in her relationship. (她的感情关系正经历艰难时期。)
- I need to download the latest software patch for my computer. (我需要下载最新的计算机软件补丁。)
- There was a patch of mud on his shoes. (他鞋上有一块泥巴。)
- The patch of sunlight warmed his face. (这块阳光照射的地方温暖了他的脸。)
- She carefully stitched a patchwork quilt. (她精心缝制了一床拼布被。)
- He's got a patchy beard. (他的胡须很稀疏。)
- The cat had patches of different colors on its fur. (这只猫的毛上有几块不同颜色的斑点。)
- The patch of flowers brightened up the garden. (花坛里的花点亮了整个花园。)
- We played soccer on the patch of grass. (我们在那块草地上踢足球。)
- She applied a nicotine patch to help her quit smoking. (她贴了一块尼古丁贴片来帮助戒烟。)
- His jacket had a patch on the elbow. (他的夹克肘部有一个补丁。)
- The patch of sky was a bright blue. (那片天空是明亮的蓝色。)
- They planted a patch of tomatoes in the garden. (他们在花园里种了一片番茄。)
- She wore a patch over her injured eye. (她在受伤的眼睛上贴着一块眼罩。)
- The patches of paint on the wall were different colors. (墙上的油漆斑点是不同的颜色。)
- He's been feeling down lately, going through a rough patch. (最近他情绪低落,正经历着困境。)
- The software company released a patch to fix a bug in the program. (这家软件公司发布了一个补丁来修复程序中的一个错误。)
- She knitted a patchwork blanket using different colored squares. (她用不同颜色的方块织了一条拼布毯。)
- The old building had patches of peeling paint. (这座旧建筑上有几处剥落的油漆。)
- He had a patch of stubble on his chin. (他下巴上有一块胡渣。)