1. 黑暗的
2. 暗色的
3. 阴暗的
4. 难懂的
5. 悲伤的
6. 不知名的、神秘的
7. 邪恶的
8. 无望的、凄凉的
1. 黑暗
2. 夜晚
3. 阴暗处
4. 无知、迷茫的状态
1. dark与black的区别:
- dark侧重于指颜色、光线不足或缺乏明亮;
- black指的是纯黑色,没有明亮的部分。
2. dark与gloomy的区别:
- dark指黑暗、昏暗,强调光线不足;
- gloomy指阴郁、忧郁的气氛或情绪。
1. darkness:黑暗
2. darkened:变黑暗的
3. darken:使变暗
4. darkly:黑暗地
5. darkling:在黑暗中
6. darkish:稍暗的
1. dim:昏暗的
2. obscure:模糊的
3. dusky:微暗的
4. black:黑色的
5. shadowy:阴暗的
1. bright:明亮的
2. light:光明的
3. white:白色的
4. sunny:阳光充足的
1. dark:adjective
- If it is dark, there is no light.
- Something that is dark is not light in color.
2. dark:noun
- Darkness is the lack of light.
- The dark is the state of being dark.
1. dark:adjective
- With little or no light.
- (Of a color or object) not reflecting much light; approaching black in shade.
2. dark:noun
- The absence of light in a place.
- A state or time of obscurity, ambiguity, or depression.
1. 形容词dark的用法:
- It was too dark to see anything.
- She has dark hair and blue eyes.
2. 名词dark的用法:
- I'm afraid of the dark.
- The city was quiet and deserted in the dark.
- He went through a period of darkness after his wife's death.
- The room was too dark to see anything clearly. (这个房间太暗了,看不清楚任何东西。)
- The sky turned dark as the storm approached. (暴风雨来临时,天空变得黑暗。)
- She was wearing a dark blue dress. (她穿着一条深蓝色的连衣裙。)
- He prefers dark chocolate to milk chocolate. (他更喜欢黑巧克力而不是牛奶巧克力。)
- After the sun set, it became dark outside. (太阳落山后,外面变得黑暗。)
- She felt a sense of darkness and despair. (她感到一种黑暗和绝望。)
- The dark of the night enveloped the city. (夜晚的黑暗笼罩了整个城市。)
- He was lost in the dark, trying to find his way home. (他在黑暗中迷失了方向,试图找到回家的路。)
- She emerged from the dark and into the light. (她从黑暗中走出来,进入了光明。)
- His past is shrouded in darkness. (他的过去笼罩在黑暗之中。)
- The novel explores the dark side of human nature. (这本小说探索了人性的阴暗面。)
- He had a dark personality and was always up to no good. (他性格阴暗,总是做坏事。)
- They lived in a dark and gloomy house. (他们住在一所阴暗而阴郁的房子里。)
- She had a dark secret that she couldn't share with anyone. (她有一个不能与任何人分享的黑暗秘密。)
- The movie had a dark and mysterious atmosphere. (这部电影有一种黑暗而神秘的氛围。)
- The dark clouds overhead signaled an approaching storm. (头顶上的乌云预示着一场即将来临的暴风雨。)
- The dark woods were filled with eerie noises. (黑暗的树林里充满了诡异的声音。)
- She couldn't shake off the feeling of darkness that engulfed her. (她无法摆脱笼罩在她身上的黑暗感。)
- He was drawn to the dark side of life. (他被生活的黑暗面所吸引。)
- The room was lit only by a single dark lamp. (房间里只有一盏昏暗的灯照亮。)
- She stepped into the dark alley, feeling a sense of unease. (她走进黑暗的小巷,感到一种不安。)