形容词: 1. 屋顶的(relating to or covering the top of a building); 2. 顶部的,最高的(highest point or part)。 名词: 1. 屋顶(the structure that covers or forms the top of a building); 2. 最高点(the highest point or part); 3. 天顶,顶棚(the top inner surface of a covered area or vehicle); 4. 车顶(the top part of a vehicle); 5. 顶盖,盖子(a structure that covers the top opening of something)。词语辨析:
- ceiling:通常指室内的天花板,即房间内部上方的平面结构。 - canopy:指用于遮阳或遮雨的覆盖物,如帐篷的顶篷或树冠。词汇扩充:
- rooftop:屋顶,顶楼,天台。 - thatched roof:茅草屋顶。 - gabled roof:山墙屋顶,尖顶屋顶。 - flat roof:平屋顶。 - pitched roof:斜屋顶。 - tin roof:铁皮屋顶。近义词:
overhead, top, covering, lid, cap反义词:
floor, ground柯林斯词典:
1. 名词 roof: - 屋顶(the covering that forms the top of a building or vehicle)。 - 顶部(the top or highest part of something)。 - 房顶(the inside top part of a covered area or vehicle)。 2. 动词 roof: - 给...盖屋顶(to cover or provide a building or vehicle with a roof)。牛津词典:
1. 名词 roof: - 屋顶(the structure forming the upper covering of a building or vehicle)。 - 顶部(the top inner surface of something)。 - 顶(the highest point or limit)。 - (车辆的)车顶(the top part of a vehicle)。 - 盖子(a removable cover or lid)。 2. 动词 roof: - 给...盖上屋顶(to provide a building or vehicle with a roof)。用法:
- The roof of the house was damaged in the storm.(屋顶) - The climbers reached the roof of the mountain.(顶部) - The car's roof was dented in the accident.(车顶) - She lifted the lid of the box.(盖子)相关例句:
- The sun is shining on the roof.
- 太阳照在屋顶上。
- The roof of the building is leaking.
- 这栋建筑的屋顶正在漏水。
- They sat on the roof of the car and watched the fireworks.
- 他们坐在车顶上观看烟花。
- There is a cat on the roof.
- 屋顶上有一只猫。
- The roof of the tent was blown away by the strong wind.
- 帐篷的顶篷被强风吹走了。
- The roof of the cave was covered in moss.
- 洞穴的顶部长满了苔藓。
- The roof of the car is painted black.
- 车顶被涂成黑色。
- The house has a thatched roof.
- 这座房子有茅草屋顶。
- She looked up at the starry roof of the night sky.
- 她抬头看着满天星斗的夜空。
- The roof of the stadium collapsed under the weight of the snow.
- 体育场的顶棚在雪的重压下坍塌了。
- He climbed onto the roof to fix the antenna.
- 他爬上屋顶修理天线。
- He used a ladder to reach the roof.
- 他用梯子爬上屋顶。
- The rain drummed on the roof all night.
- 雨声整夜敲打着屋顶。
- We need to replace the roof tiles.
- 我们需要更换屋顶瓦片。
- The roof terrace offers a panoramic view of the city.
- 屋顶露台可以俯瞰整个城市。
- The roof collapsed after the explosion.
- 爆炸后屋顶坍塌了。
- The roof garden is a peaceful retreat in the heart of the city.
- 屋顶花园是城市中心的一个宁静场所。
- The snow on the roof began to melt as the temperature rose.
- 随着温度的升高,屋顶上的雪开始融化。
- Please close the roof of the convertible car.
- 请关上敞篷车的车顶。
- The roof needs to be repaired before the rainy season starts.
- 雨季开始之前需要修理屋顶。
- They climbed up to the roof to get a better view of the parade.
- 他们爬上屋顶以便更好地观看游行。