coax (kəʊks)
- (用甜言蜜语或巧妙手段)哄骗,劝诱,诱骗
- 巧妙地说服,劝导,纠缠
- 缓慢而耐心地引导,恳求,哄求
- 用柔和的手法引导或移动
- 劝说,哄骗
coax /kəʊks/
- (用甜言蜜语或巧妙手段)哄骗,劝诱
- 缓慢而耐心地引导,恳求
- 用柔和的手法引导或移动
- 柔软的
coax 和 persuade 的区别在于,coax 指使用甜言蜜语或巧妙手段来哄骗或劝诱某人,而persuade 意指通过说服、劝导或纠缠来影响某人的行为或态度。
coaxing (动词形式)
coaxer (名词形式)
persuade, wheedle, cajole, entice, allure
force, compel, coerce
1. I managed to coax her into coming to the party with us.
2. He coaxed the cat out of the tree with a can of tuna.
3. The teacher coaxed the shy student to participate in the class discussion.
4. She used her charm to coax a pay raise from her boss.
- They coaxed the little boy to eat his vegetables by offering him dessert afterwards.
他们引诱小男孩吃蔬菜,答应之后给他甜点。 - She coaxed her cat onto her lap and gently stroked its fur.
她哄着她的猫蹲到她的腿上,轻柔地抚摸着它的毛。 - The salesman used his charm to coax the customer into buying the expensive product.
销售员利用他的魅力劝诱顾客购买昂贵的产品。 - He tried to coax a smile from the sad child, but she remained solemn.
他试图哄孩子笑,但她依然面带忧伤。 - The mother coaxed her baby to sleep by singing a lullaby.
母亲唱着摇篮曲哄婴儿入睡。 - He coaxed the old car to start by repeatedly turning the key.
他一再转动钥匙,劝诱那辆旧车启动。 - She coaxed her friend into trying the new restaurant by promising a delicious meal.
她答应朋友会有美味的餐点,劝诱她尝试新餐厅。 - The children's coaxing finally convinced their parents to let them go to the amusement park.
孩子们的纠缠最终说服了父母让他们去游乐园。 - He used his charm and persuasion to coax the jury into a favorable verdict.
他利用自己的魅力和说服力劝诱陪审团做出有利的判决。 - The cat was coaxed out of hiding by the sound of its owner's voice.
猫听到主人的声音,被诱骗出来了。 - She coaxed the dog to come closer by offering it a treat.
她用零食引诱狗靠近。 - He coaxed a smile from the grumpy old man with a funny joke.
他用一个有趣的笑话逗乐了那个脾气暴躁的老人。 - They coaxed the bird into leaving the house by opening all the windows.
他们打开所有的窗户,诱使鸟儿离开房子。 - The child's coaxing finally convinced his parents to get him a pet.
孩子的纠缠最终说服了父母给他养宠物。 - She coaxed the horse to jump over the hurdle by patting its neck.
她轻拍马的脖子,劝诱它跳过障碍。 - He coaxed the plant to grow by giving it plenty of sunlight and water.
他给植物提供充足的阳光和水分,劝诱它生长。 - The teacher coaxed the shy student to speak up in class.
老师鼓励那个害羞的学生在课堂上发言。 - She coaxed the baby to sleep by rocking him gently in her arms.
她轻轻摇晃着宝宝,哄他入睡。 - He coaxed her into going on a date with him by complimenting her looks.
他赞美她的外貌,劝诱她和他约会。 - The children coaxed their father into playing a game with them.
孩子们哄着父亲和他们一起玩游戏。 - She coaxed the kitten out from under the bed with a toy mouse.