Courageous (形容词): Having or showing courage; brave.牛津词典
Courageous (形容词): Not deterred by danger or pain; brave.用法
- He showed courageous determination in the face of danger. (他在危险面前表现出勇气和决心。)
- The firefighters made a courageous effort to save the people trapped inside the burning building. (消防员们为解救被困在着火建筑内的人做出了勇敢的努力。)
- She has always been a courageous advocate for human rights. (她一直是一个勇敢的人权倡导者。)
- The soldier was awarded a medal for his courageous actions on the battlefield. (这位士兵因在战场上的勇敢行为而被授予勋章。)
- The courageous young woman stood up to the bully and defended her friend. (这位勇敢的年轻女子挺身而出,保护了她的朋友。)
- He faced his illness with courageous determination and never lost hope. (他以勇敢的决心面对疾病,从未失去希望。)
- The captain led his courageous crew into battle. (船长带领他勇敢的船员参加战斗。)
- The film tells the story of a courageous woman who fought for justice against all odds. (这部电影讲述了一位勇敢的女性在逆境中为正义而战的故事。)
- It takes a courageous person to speak up against injustice. (敢于公正地发声需要勇气。)
- The marathon runners displayed courageous endurance as they pushed through the pain to reach the finish line. (马拉松选手们在忍受痛苦的过程中展现出了勇敢的耐力,最终冲过了终点线。)
- She is a courageous leader who isn't afraid to make tough decisions. (她是一位勇敢的领导者,不怕做出艰难的决定。)
- The courageousness of the firefighters was praised by the mayor. (市长赞扬了消防员们的勇敢行为。)
- He demonstrated his courage by standing up to the bullies. (他通过对抗恶霸表现出了他的勇气。)
- The young girl's courage inspired others to take action. (这个小女孩的勇气激励着其他人采取行动。)
- The courageous soldier received a hero's welcome upon returning home. (勇敢的士兵在回家时受到了英雄般的欢迎。)
- Despite the risks, the climbers were courageous enough to attempt the dangerous ascent. (尽管有风险,这些登山者还是足够勇敢地尝试了危险的攀登。)
- She showed a courageous disregard for her own safety when she jumped into the river to save the drowning child. (她毫不顾及自己的安全,跳入河中拯救溺水的孩子,表现出了勇敢的精神。)
- The courageous act of the rescue team saved many lives during the natural disaster. (救援队的勇敢行动在自然灾害中挽救了许多生命。)
- His courageous decision to quit his job and start his own business paid off in the end. (他勇敢地决定辞职创业,最终获得了回报。)
- The courageous knight faced the dragon without fear. (勇敢的骑士毫不畏惧地面对着巨龙。)
- She was commended for her courageous actions during the crisis. (她在危机期间的勇敢行动受到了表彰。)