1. waver /ˈweɪvər/ - 犹豫的,摇摆不定的 2. wavered /ˈweɪvərd/ - 走神的,迟疑的名词
1. waver /ˈweɪvər/ - 犹豫,动摇 2. waverer /ˈweɪvərər/ - 犹豫不决的人词语辨析
- waver 和 hesitate: 表示在做决定或采取行动时的迟疑和犹豫。但 waver 更强调内心的动摇和摇摆不定,而 hesitate 则更侧重于犹豫和迟疑的行动。词汇扩充
- waveringly /ˈweɪvərɪŋli/ - adv. 犹豫地,摇摆不定地近义词
- dither /ˈdɪðər/ - v. 犹豫不决,不知所措反义词
- decide /dɪˈsaɪd/ - v. 决定,下定决心柯林斯词典
waver (v.) If you waver, you cannot decide about something or you consider changing your mind about something. (如果你犹豫不决,那就是你无法对某事做出决定,或者你在考虑改变主意。)牛津词典
waver (v.) 1. Be undecided between two opinions or courses of action; be irresolute. (在两种观点或行动方案之间犹豫不决;犹豫不决。) 2. Move in a quivering way; flicker. (颤动地移动;闪烁。)用法
- He wavered between accepting the job offer or staying at his current company. (他在接受工作机会和留在现在的公司之间犹豫不决。) - She wavered before making her final decision. (她在做出最终决定之前犹豫了一下。) - The candle flame wavered in the breeze. (蜡烛火焰在微风中颤动。) - His wavering commitment to the project caused delays. (他对项目的犹豫态度导致了延误。) - The waverer couldn't make up his mind and missed the opportunity. (这个犹豫不决的人无法下定决心,错过了机会。)相关例句
- The government's position on the issue seemed to waver. (政府对该问题的立场似乎动摇不定。)
- She wavered for a moment before making her decision. (她在做决定之前犹豫了一会儿。)
- His commitment to the project wavered as the deadline approached. (随着截止日期的临近,他对该项目的承诺动摇了。)
- The flame on the candle wavered in the wind. (蜡烛上的火焰在风中摇曳。)
- She is known as a waverer, always uncertain about her choices. (她是一个犹豫不决的人,总是对自己的选择不确定。)
- His wavering loyalty caused distrust among his colleagues. (他动摇的忠诚引起了同事们的不信任。)
- The waver in his voice revealed his uncertainty. (他声音中的颤抖显示出他的不确定。)
- She couldn't afford to waver in her decision-making process. (她不能在做决策的过程中犹豫不决。)
- His wavering commitment led to a loss of trust from his team. (他犹豫不决的承诺导致团队的信任丧失。)
- Despite the waver in his confidence, he pushed forward with determination. (尽管他信心动摇,但他仍坚定地继续前进。)
- The waverer finally made a decision, but it was too late. (这个犹豫不决的人最终做出了一个决定,但为时已晚。)
- She wavered between two options, unable to make a choice. (她在两个选择之间犹豫不决,无法做出决定。)
- His wavering resolve caused him to miss out on a great opportunity. (他犹豫不决的决心使他错过了一个很好的机会。)
- The waver in her voice revealed her lack of confidence. (她声音中的颤抖显示出她的不自信。)
- He wavered on the edge of the cliff, unsure whether to jump or turn back. (他在悬崖边犹豫不决,不确定是跳下去还是回头。)
- The waverer couldn't make up his mind and missed the opportunity. (这个犹豫不决的人无法下定决心,错过了机会。)
- Her wavering commitment to the project caused delays. (她对该项目的犹豫态度导致了延误。)
- He wavered between accepting the job offer or staying at his current company. (他在接受工作机会和留在现在的公司之间犹豫不决。)
- She wavered before making her final decision. (她在做出最终决定之前犹豫了一下。)
- The candle flame wavered in the breeze. (蜡烛火焰在微风中颤动。)
- His wavering commitment to the project caused delays. (他对项目的犹豫态度导致了延误。)