1. parcels 分开的;分散的名词
1. parcels 包裹;邮包 2. parcels 一块土地;地皮 3. parcels 部分;份额词语辨析
parcel out:分配;分派 parcel up:打包;包装近义词
package, package, bundle, packet反义词
whole, entirety柯林斯词典
- (邮寄的)包裹
- (土地的)一块
- 分配;分派
- (邮寄的)包裹
- (土地的)一块
- 分配;分派
1. 名词用法:
a) The postman delivered several parcels to my doorstep.
b) He bought a parcel of land for his new house.
c) She divided her estate into equal parcels for her children.
2. 形容词用法:
a) The parcels items were scattered all over the room.
3. 动词用法:
a) They parcel out the tasks among the team members.
4. 搭配词:
a) parcel post:普通邮递
b) air parcel:航空邮递
c) parcel delivery:包裹递送
- She received three parcels from her family on her birthday.(她生日时收到了三个家人寄来的包裹。)
- The company purchased a parcel of land for the construction of their new office building.(公司购买了一块土地用于新办公楼的建设。)
- He divided the cake into small parcels to share with his friends.(他把蛋糕分成小份与朋友们分享。)
- The parcels items were neatly arranged on the shelves.(包裹里的物品被整齐地摆放在货架上。)
- She parcelled out the tasks to the team members based on their skills.(她根据团队成员的技能分派了任务。)
- The postman delivers parcels to our office every morning.(邮递员每天早上都给我们办公室递送包裹。)
- He received a parcel post containing his new phone.(他收到了一个普通邮递的包裹,里面是他的新手机。)
- The parcel delivery service is experiencing delays due to the weather conditions.(由于天气原因,包裹递送服务出现了延迟。)
- She wrapped the fragile items carefully before parceling them up.(她在打包之前仔细地包装了易碎物品。)
- They distributed the donated clothes to the needy families in small parcels.(他们把捐赠的衣物分成小份给需要帮助的家庭。)
- He bought a large parcel of land in the countryside for his retirement.(他在乡下买了一大片地皮作为退休使用。)
- The company plans to develop the vacant parcel near the city center.(公司计划开发市中心附近的空地。)
- She inherited a small parcel of her grandfather's estate.(她继承了祖父财产中的一小部分。)
- They own several parcels of farmland in different regions.(他们在不同地区拥有几块农田。)
- The land was divided into equal parcels and sold to different buyers.(那块土地被平均分成几部分并卖给了不同的买家。)
- He received a parcel of shares from his deceased uncle's estate.(他从已故叔叔的财产中继承了一部分股份。)
- The cake was cut into small parcels so that everyone could have a piece.(蛋糕被切成小份,这样每个人都能得到一块。)
- The teacher asked the students to parcel out the tasks for the group project.(老师要求学生们将小组项目的任务分配出去。)
- They parcelled up the donated clothes and sent them to the charity organization.(他们将捐赠的衣物打包好并送给慈善机构。)
- The company decided to parcel out the bonus among all employees.(公司决定将奖金平均分配给所有员工。)
- She parcelled out the remaining food to the hungry children.(她把剩下的食物分给了饥饿的孩子们。)