1. 急剧的;突然的 2. 尖锐的;锋利的 3. 精明的;敏捷的 4. 强烈的;明显的名词
1. 急剧的变化 2. 尖锐的声音词语辨析
1. sharply vs. abruptly sharply 强调剧烈或明显的变化,常用于形容词、副词和动词之前,表示方向或方式的改变。 abruptly 强调变化的突然和意外,通常用于表示行为或过程的动词之前。 2. sharply vs. sharply defined sharply 描述边缘、界限或形状的清晰度。 sharply defined 强调轮廓或定义的清晰度。词汇扩充
- sharply increased 急剧增加
- sharply decreased 急剧减少
- sharply dressed 穿着整齐的
- sharply focused 焦点清晰的
- sharply curved 弯曲明显的
- abruptly
- suddenly
- drastically
- dramatically
- acutely
- gradually
- slowly
- smoothly
- softly
- gently
sharply (副词)
1. If something changes sharply or is sharply different, it changes a lot or is very different suddenly and quickly.
2. If the amount, level, or value of something rises or falls sharply, it rises or falls suddenly and by a large amount.
3. If someone speaks or behaves sharply, they speak or behave in a way that shows that they are angry or annoyed.
4. If you do something sharply, you do it quickly and suddenly.
5. sharply turns, bends, or curves change direction suddenly, without curving gradually.
6. sharply defined edges, outlines, or features are clear and distinct.
7. sharply is used to indicate that a particular ability, skill, or sense is very good or sensitive.
8. If someone or their mind is sharply focused on something, they are paying a lot of attention to it and are able to think about it clearly.
9. If a sound is sharply heard or heard sharply, it is loud and clear.
10. If you do something sharply, you do it in a clever, skilful, and effective way.
11. You can use sharply in front of an adjective to indicate that the quality or degree mentioned is very high.
12. sharply is used to indicate that a particular quality or characteristic is very noticeable or clear.
sharply (副词)
1. In a way that is sharp or abrupt.
2. Suddenly or by a large amount.
3. In a way that is angry or rude.
4. In a way that is clear and distinct.
5. In a way that is accurate or precise.
6. In a way that is swift or prompt.
7. In a way that is acute or severe.
8. In a way that is audible or distinct.
9. In a way that is keen or brisk.
10. In a way that is astute or perceptive.
11. In a way that is focused or directed.
12. In a way that is noticeable or conspicuous.
13. In a way that is intensely or strongly.
1. The temperature dropped sharply overnight.
2. The stock market fell sharply after the announcement.
3. She replied sharply, "I don't have time for this."
4. He turned sharply to the left and continued down the road.
5. The road curves sharply ahead.
6. The silhouette of the mountain was sharply defined against the setting sun.
7. She has a sharply developed sense of smell.
8. The detective's mind was sharply focused on solving the case.
9. The alarm clock rang sharply in my ear.
10. The chef skillfully and sharply sliced the vegetables.
11. The contrast between the two paintings is sharply apparent.
12. The difference in their personalities is sharply drawn.
13. The price of oil has risen sharply in recent months.
14. She spoke sharply to her disobedient dog.
15. The knife has a sharply honed edge.
16. The company's profits have increased sharply this year.
17. The car came to a sharply abrupt halt.
18. The teacher sharply criticized the student's behavior.
19. He felt a sharply painful sensation in his leg.
20. The orchestra played the musical piece with sharply contrasting dynamics.