bowling (adj.)- 保龄球的
bowling (n.)- 保龄球(一种室内运动)
- 投球(保龄球运动中投掷球的动作)
- 保龄球运动
- (球道两侧的)球道
"bowling"和"bowl"的区别: "bowling" 是一个名词,指的是保龄球运动,而"bowl"可作名词或动词,名词时指的是碗,动词时指的是投掷球或滚动球。
- bowling lane 球道
- bowling ball 球(保龄球运动中使用的球)
- bowling alley 保龄球馆
- bowling pin 保龄球瓶
- bowling shoes 保龄球鞋
- bowling tournament 保龄球锦标赛
- skittles 九柱戏(类似于保龄球的游戏)
- cricket 板球
bowling (n.)
1. Bowling is a game in which you roll a heavy ball down a narrow track towards a group of wooden objects and try to knock them down.
2. Bowling is the activity of playing this game.
3. A bowling alley is a building which contains several tracks for the game of bowling.
bowling (n.)
1. The game of bowls, especially lawn bowls.
2. The game of bowls as played in the US and Canada.
3. The action of bowlers, especially in cricket.
1. I enjoy playing bowling with my friends on weekends. (我喜欢在周末和朋友们一起打保龄球。)
2. He is a professional bowling player. (他是一名职业保龄球运动员。)
3. The bowling alley is crowded on Friday nights. (星期五晚上保龄球馆很拥挤。)
4. The team won the bowling tournament for the third consecutive year. (这个队连续第三年赢得了保龄球锦标赛。)
- We had a great time playing bowling last night. - 昨晚我们打保龄球玩得很开心。
- She threw a perfect strike in the bowling game. - 她在保龄球比赛中投出了一个完美的全中。
- He joined a bowling league to improve his skills. - 他加入了一个保龄球联盟以提高自己的技巧。
- They went to the local bowling alley for a fun evening. - 他们去当地的保龄球馆度过了一个愉快的晚上。
- She wore special bowling shoes for better performance. - 她穿着专门的保龄球鞋以获得更好的表现。
- I need to practice more to improve my bowling skills. - 我需要多练习以提高我的保龄球技巧。
- The bowling pins were set up for the next game. - 保龄球瓶已经摆好准备开始下一场比赛。
- We organized a friendly bowling competition among colleagues. - 我们组织了一场同事间友谊保龄球比赛。
- He aimed carefully and threw the bowling ball. - 他仔细瞄准并投掷了保龄球。
- The bowling alley offers shoe rental services. - 保龄球馆提供鞋子租赁服务。
- The bowling tournament attracted participants from all over the country. - 保龄球锦标赛吸引了来自全国各地的参赛选手。
- He scored a perfect 300 in the bowling game. - 他在保龄球比赛中得到了完美的300分。
- We had to wait for a free bowling lane to become available. - 我们不得不等待一个空闲的保龄球道。
- The bowling club organizes regular competitions for its members. - 保龄球俱乐部为会员定期组织比赛。
- He signed up for bowling lessons to improve his technique. - 他报名参加保龄球课程以提高自己的技术。
- The bowling team practiced together every week. - 保龄球队每周一起练习。
- She won first place in the regional bowling championship. - 她在地区保龄球锦标赛中获得了第一名。
- They celebrated their victory with a game of bowling. - 他们以一场保龄球比赛庆祝他们的胜利。
- The bowling tournament lasted for three days. - 保龄球锦标赛持续了三天。
- He bowled a strike in the final frame of the bowling game. - 他在保龄球比赛的最后一局投出了全中。