中英词典 - "runty"
runty [形容词] (informal) - 矮小的;娇小的;发育不良的
1. runty 和 dwarfed 都表示矮小的,但 runty 更强调发育不良或不健康的感觉。
2. runty 和 stunted 都表示矮小的,但 stunted 更多指生长受到限制或阻碍。
1. runt [名词] - 矮小的动物(特指矮小的猪)
2. runtish [形容词] - 矮小的;发育不良的
dwarfed, undersized, stunted, stumpy, puny
tall, big, large, well-developed
runty [名词] (informal) - 矮小的人或动物;发育不良的人或动物
- If you describe someone or something as runty, you mean that they are small and look weak or stunted.
- 例句: The remaining trees were stunted and runty.
- (informal) Small and weak or stunted.
- 例句: The lambs were small, runty creatures.
- They adopted a runty little puppy from the shelter.
- The plant's leaves were runty and yellow, indicating a lack of proper nutrition.
- The farmer was disappointed with the litter of runties among his piglets.
- The runty of the litter struggled to keep up with its siblings.
- The runty apple tree produced only a few small, sour fruits. - 这棵矮小的苹果树只结果了几颗小小的酸果。
- The runty kitten was the smallest of the litter. - 这只矮小的小猫是整窝中最小的一只。
- His runty appearance belied his strength and agility. - 他矮小的外表掩盖了他的力量和敏捷。
- The runty calf struggled to keep up with the rest of the herd. - 这头矮小的小牛努力跟上其他成群的牛。
- The runty plants in the garden didn't grow as tall as the others. - 花园里的这些矮小的植物没有长得像其他的那样高。
- Her runty arms lacked the strength to lift heavy objects. - 她短小的手臂没有足够的力量来举起重物。
- The farmer separated the runty piglets from the rest of the litter. - 农民把矮小的小猪和其它小猪分开。
- The runty tree struggled to survive in the harsh climate. - 这棵矮小的树在恶劣的气候中艰难生存。
- He was often teased by his classmates for being runty. - 他因为个子矮小经常受到同学的嘲笑。
- The dog's runty legs made it difficult for him to run or walk for long distances. - 狗狗短小的腿让它难以长距离奔跑或行走。
- The runty puppy was the last one to be adopted from the shelter. - 这只矮小的小狗是从收容所最后被收养的。
- Despite his runty size, he had a big heart and a fierce determination. - 尽管个子矮小,他却有一颗伟大的心和强烈的决心。
- The runty child struggled to keep up with his taller and stronger siblings. - 这个矮小的孩子努力跟上他更高更强壮的兄弟姐妹。
- The runty apples were too small and misshapen to be sold at the market. - 这些矮小的苹果太小了,形状也不规则,无法在市场上出售。
- She felt self-conscious about her runty frame, always wishing she were taller. - 她对自己矮小的身材感到不自在,总是希望自己能更高一点。
- The runty puppies were the first to be adopted because of their adorable faces. - 因为可爱的脸蛋,这些矮小的小狗是第一批被领养的。
- The runty child was often picked last for sports teams due to their smaller size. - 这个矮小的孩子由于个头较小经常是最后一个被选进运动队的。
- Despite her runty appearance, she had a feisty personality and a strong will. - 尽管她个子矮小,但她有一种活泼的个性和坚强的意志。
- The runty flowers in the garden were overshadowed by the taller, more vibrant blooms. - 花园里的这些矮小的花在更高更鲜艳的花朵的映衬下黯然失色。
- He was born prematurely and remained runty compared to his peers. - 他早产出生,与同龄人相比仍然矮小。
- The runty kitten couldn't keep up with its siblings during playtime. - 这只矮小的小猫在玩耍时跟不上它的兄弟姐妹。