crude [adjective, noun]形容词:粗糙的,简陋的,未经加工的
- 粗糙的,未经加工的:lacking finish or refinement; in a raw or natural state
- 简陋的,粗俗的:lacking tact or taste; blunt or offensive
- 粗鲁的,粗野的:lacking culture, refinement, or intelligence; vulgar or uncouth
- 天然的,天生的:existing in a natural state; not artificial or manufactured
- 简单的,未经炼制的:not carefully or expertly made; rough or crude in execution
- crude oil:原油
- crude materials:原材料
- crude product:粗制品
- crude language:粗俗的话语
- crude craftsmanship:粗糙的手艺
- rough:coarse, uneven, rugged
- primitive:rudimentary, basic, simple
- crass:vulgar, tasteless, insensitive
- unrefined:raw, natural, unprocessed
- sophisticated:refined, polished, cultured
- elegant:graceful, stylish, sophisticated
- developed:advanced, evolved, mature
- processed:refined, treated, purified
- Something that is crude is simple and basic and has not been finished or improved in any way.
- If you describe something as crude, you mean that it is roughly made or done.
- If you describe someone as crude, you disapprove of them because they speak or behave in a rude, offensive, or unsophisticated way.
- Crude substances are in a natural or raw state and have not been made pure.
- In a natural or raw state; not yet processed or refined.
- Offensive or disgusting because of being extremely or unpleasantly rudimentary, poor, or rough.
- Showing little skill, intelligence, or taste.
- Crude language is offensive because it is too direct and uses words and images that are shocking.
- He made a crude drawing of a house.
- The crude cabin had no electricity or running water.
- His jokes were often crude and offensive.
- Crude oil prices have been fluctuating.
- The crude craftsmanship of the sculpture was evident.
- He painted a crude picture of a cat. 他画了一幅简陋的猫的画。
- The house was a crude structure made of logs. 这间房子是一座用原木建成的简陋建筑。
- His language was crude and offensive. 他的言辞粗俗而冒犯人。
- The crude oil is transported by pipeline. 原油通过管道输送。
- The crude craftsmanship of the handmade pottery was evident. 这手工陶器的粗糙手艺显而易见。
- The crude remark made everyone in the room uncomfortable. 那句粗俗的话让房间里的每个人都感到不舒服。
- They live in a crude shelter made of branches and leaves. 他们住在一间用树枝和树叶搭建的简陋避难所里。
- The crude reality of the situation was hard to accept. 这种局面的残酷现实令人难以接受。
- The crude language used in the movie offended many viewers. 电影中使用的粗俗语言冒犯了许多观众。
- They extracted crude oil from the ground. 他们从地下提取原油。
- The crude device was a simple but effective solution. 这个简陋的装置是一个简单但有效的解决方案。
- His crude behavior at the party embarrassed his friends. 他在聚会上的粗鲁行为使他的朋友们感到尴尬。
- The artist's crude drawings captured the essence of emotion. 这位艺术家粗糙的画作捕捉到了情感的本质。
- The crude joke caused everyone to burst into laughter. 这个粗俗的笑话引发了大家的笑声。
- They are working on developing a process to refine crude oil. 他们正在研究一种提炼原油的方法。
- The crude wooden table was sturdy but lacked finesse. 这张粗糙的木桌坚固但缺乏精致。
- The politician's crude remarks offended many people. 这位政治家的粗鲁言辞冒犯了许多人。
- He used crude language to express his frustration. 他用粗俗的语言表达自己的沮丧。
- The crude cabin in the woods had no running water or electricity. 树林中的简陋小屋没有自来水和电力。
- The artist's crude sketches were the starting point for his detailed paintings. 这位艺术家粗略的素描是他详细绘画的起点。
- The crude tools were not suitable for delicate work. 这些粗制的工具不适合精细的工作。