settlement [ˈsetl.mənt]
settled [ˈset.əld]
settlement 和
resettlement 都有“重新安置”的意思,但
resettlement 更强调对被迫离开家园、重新安置的人群的行动。
colonization [ˌkɑː.lə.nəˈzeɪ.ʃən]:殖民;殖民地的建立
compromise [ˈkɑːm.prə.maɪz]:妥协;折衷方案
resolution [ˌrez.əˈluː.ʃən]:决议;解决办法
agreement [əˈɡriː.mənt]:协议;一致;同意
colony [ˈkɑː.lə.ni]:殖民地
village [ˈvɪl.ɪdʒ]:村庄
community [kəˈmjuː.nə.ti]:社区
compensation [ˌkɑːm.pənˈseɪ.ʃən]:补偿;赔偿
resolution [ˌrez.əˈluː.ʃən]:解决;决议
displacement [dɪsˈpleɪsmənt]:流离失所;迁移
unsettled [ˌʌnˈset.əld]:不稳定的;未解决的
名词 settlement:A settlement is an official agreement between two sides who were involved in a conflict or argument.
名词 settlement:A settlement is a place where people live and make their homes.
名词 settlement:A settlement is the process of paying back a debt.
名词 settlement:The settlement of a dispute or problem is the solution of it.
名词 settlement:Settlement is the process of ending a legal case by agreement before it is decided in court.
名词 settlement:An official agreement intended to resolve a dispute or conflict.
名词 settlement:The action or process of settling an account.
名词 settlement:The action of establishing a new colony or community.
名词 settlement:A place, typically one that has hitherto been uninhabited, where people establish a community.
名词 settlement:The process of making an area or region more densely populated by humans.
The two parties reached a settlement after weeks of negotiations.
The settlement of the dispute was achieved through mediation.
The government built a new settlement to accommodate the growing population.
The debt settlement will be completed within six months.
The settlement of the case saved both parties from a lengthy court battle.
The settled community lived in harmony for many years.
He felt settled in his new job after a few months.
The settlement was reached after extensive negotiations between the two countries. (达成了协议)
They established a settlement in a remote area and built houses for the residents. (建立了一个定居点)
The company agreed to a financial settlement to resolve the dispute. (财务解决)
A peaceful settlement was achieved through diplomatic channels. (和平解决)
She received a large sum of money as part of the settlement for her injury. (赔偿)
The resettlement of refugees was a complex process that required international cooperation. (难民重新安置)
The government provided temporary housing for the displaced residents until a permanent settlement could be established. (临时安置)
The settlement of the debt was delayed due to financial constraints. (债务的偿还)
The community reached a settlement on the issue of noise pollution. (解决方案)
The settled life in the countryside appealed to him after years of living in the city. (稳定的生活)
The situation remained unsettled as both parties were unable to reach a settlement. (未解决的)
They decided to establish a new settlement in a fertile valley. (新的定居点)
The settlement grew rapidly as more people moved to the area in search of employment. (人口的增长)
The government initiated a settlement program to encourage people to migrate to remote regions. (定居计划)
The settlement of the region by European colonizers had a significant impact on the indigenous population. (殖民地的建立)
She found a sense of settlement in her new home and felt a part of the community. (安定感)
The settlement of the conflict required compromise from both parties. (冲突的解决)
The settlement agreement outlined the terms and conditions for resolving the legal dispute. (协议)
They reached a settlement through negotiation and avoided a costly court battle. (通过谈判达成协议)
The settlement between the two countries brought an end to the longstanding border dispute. (协议)
The settlement process involved multiple rounds of talks and negotiations. (解决的过程)