1. juggle与handle的区别:juggle强调灵巧地同时处理多个事物,而handle强调有能力应付或处理事物。
2. juggle与manipulate的区别:juggle强调通过巧妙的操作,使多个事物同时进行;manipulate强调通过巧妙地操纵或控制他人的行为或事物。
juggle (v.)
1. If you juggle lots of different things, for example your work and your family, you try to give enough time or attention to all of them.
2. If you juggle with a number of different things, for example problems or activities, you try to deal with them successfully, but with difficulty.
juggle (n.)
1. Juggling is the skill or activity of throwing objects into the air and catching them again, usually while they are moving.
juggle (v.)
1. Continuously toss into the air and catch (a number of objects) so as to keep at least one in the air while handling the others.
2. Deal with (more than one activity or responsibility) in a competent or efficient way.
juggle (n.)
1. The action or practice of juggling.
1. Can you juggle work and family responsibilities?
2. He is able to juggle a demanding job and his hobbies.
- She can effortlessly juggle six balls at once. - 她可以轻松地同时掌握6个球。
- He is skilled at juggling multiple tasks. - 他擅长同时处理多个任务。
- Managing work and family can be a juggling act. - 管理工作和家庭可能是一场棘手的局面。
- I have to juggle my schedule to fit in all these appointments. - 我必须调整我的日程以安排所有这些约会。
- She was juggling three part-time jobs to make ends meet. - 她同时打着三份兼职工作勉强维持生计。
- He is adept at juggling his responsibilities. - 他擅长处理自己的责任。
- The performer's juggling routine was mesmerizing. - 表演者的杂耍表演令人着迷。
- He was juggling too many projects and couldn't give enough attention to any of them. - 他承担了太多的项目,无法给予任何一个足够的关注。
- She managed to juggle her studies and extracurricular activities. - 她设法兼顾学业和课外活动。
- The company is juggling a number of different contracts. - 公司正在处理多个不同的合同。
- He has the ability to juggle numbers and find solutions quickly. - 他有能力迅速运算并找到解决办法。
- She was juggling the demands of her career and her personal life. - 她在应对事业和个人生活的压力。
- The juggler's juggling skills amazed the audience. - 杂耍演员的杂耍技巧令观众惊叹。
- He was juggling with three balls while riding a unicycle. - 他一边骑独轮车一边玩三个球。
- She had to juggle her time between her job and her family. - 她必须在工作和家庭之间分配时间。
- The politician was accused of juggling the figures to make the economy look better. - 这位政治家被指责篡改数据以使经济看起来更好。
- The magician's juggling act kept the audience entertained. - 魔术师的杂耍表演让观众开心。
- He was skilled at juggling his finances to make ends meet. - 他擅长调整财务以维持生计。
- The company had to juggle its resources to meet the demands of the new project. - 公司不得不调配资源以满足新项目的需求。
- She was juggling too many tasks and ended up feeling overwhelmed. - 她同时处理太多任务,最终感到不堪重负。
- He was juggling a full-time job and part-time studies. - 他边工作边兼职学习。