- 含义1:邋遢的;不整洁的
- 含义2:松散的;不精确的
- 含义3:不认真的;马虎的
- 含义4:不规范的;不严谨的
- 含义1:草率的人;不认真的人
- 含义2:草率的行为;不规范的行为
- untidy:不整洁的
- disorderly:混乱的
- irregular:不规则的
- careless:粗心的
- tidy:整洁的
- neat:整齐的
- precise:精确的
- meticulous:细致的
sloppy (adjective)
- If you describe someone or something as sloppy, you mean they are messy and dirty.
- If you describe someone's work or activities as sloppy, you mean they have been done in a careless and lazy way.
- If you describe someone as sloppy, you mean that their work or activities are often careless or lazy.
- If you describe something such as a book or a piece of work as sloppy, you mean that it is sentimental or romantic in a way that you find unattractive or foolish.
sloppy (noun)
- If you describe someone as a sloppy, you mean that they are careless in their work or activities.
- If you describe something as a sloppy, you mean that it is not as good as it should be because it has been done carelessly or lazily.
sloppy (adjective)
- Wet or smeared with a substance such as liquid or mud.
- (informal) (of clothes, appearance, or style) unfashionable and of a bad standard.
- Careless, unsystematic, or disorganized.
- Excessively sentimental.
- Her hair was always sloppy and unkempt. (她的头发总是邋遢而不整洁。)
- The house was in a sloppy state, with clothes and toys strewn everywhere. (房子里一片邋遢,到处都是衣服和玩具。)
- He handed in a sloppy report that was full of grammatical errors. (他交了一份充满语法错误的马虎报告。)
- The teacher criticized the student for his sloppy work. (老师批评了学生的马虎工作。)
- She couldn't stand his sloppy sentimental speeches. (她受不了他那些多愁善感的演讲。)
- Don't be such a sloppy. Pay attention to what you're doing. (别那么马虎了,专心做你的事。)
- His sloppy handling of the project led to numerous mistakes. (他对这个项目的草率处理导致了很多错误。)
- I can't believe the sloppiness of this report. (我无法相信这份报告的不严谨。)
- She dressed sloppily for the party, wearing jeans and a wrinkled shirt. (她参加派对时穿得邋遢不堪,穿着牛仔裤和起皱的衬衫。)
- His sloppiness in handling the project resulted in a loss of clients. (他在处理这个项目时的马虎导致了客户流失。)
- The room was untidy with clothes and books scattered everywhere. (房间里到处都是散乱的衣服和书籍。)
- She accused him of being careless in his work. (她指责他工作上的粗心。)
- The kitchen was in a disorderly state, with dirty dishes piled up in the sink. (厨房一片杂乱,洗涤池里堆满了脏盘子。)
- The project was done in an irregular manner, resulting in delays. (这个项目的进行方式不规范,导致了延误。)
- She always keeps her desk tidy and organized. (她总是保持她的桌子整洁有序。)
- His work is always precise and accurate. (他的工作总是精确无误的。)