1. 猛烈的;燃烧的;火红的
2. 痛苦的;难受的
1. 火焰;烈火
2. (在树干上刻的)标记;记号
3. 地狱;苦境
blazes 和flames都指火焰,但blazes更多用于描述强烈的火焰,而flames更一般地表示火焰。
- blazes of glory:辉煌的成就;荣耀的光辉
- trailblazer:开创者;先驱者
fire, flames, inferno, conflagration
extinguish, put out, smother
blaze [bleɪz]
1. A blaze is a large fire which is difficult to control and which destroys a lot of things.
2. A blaze of light is a very bright light.
3. If something is done in a blaze of publicity, it is made known or made public in a very obvious or open way.
4. If you say that someone does something in a blaze of glory, you mean that they do it very successfully and with great energy and enthusiasm.
5. If you blaze a trail, you do something new and original which makes people admire you or want to follow you.
6. If someone goes through a particular experience or a particular period of time in a blaze of something, they experience it very intensely or in a particular way.
1. If something such as a fire or explosion blazes somewhere, it burns fiercely or brightly there.
2. If an emotion blazes in someone's eyes, their eyes express that emotion very strongly.
3. If someone blazes a trail, they do something new and original which makes people admire them or want to follow them.
4. If something blazes a particular quality or emotion, it has a lot of that quality or shows that emotion very strongly.
5. If someone blazes a path or trail somewhere, they create it by cutting through trees or undergrowth.
1. Some people say 'blaze' to express anger or annoyance. [US, informal, old-fashioned]
2. Some people say 'blazes' to emphasize what they are saying, especially when they are expressing anger or surprise. [US, informal, old-fashioned]
3. Some people say 'blazes' to show that they are not afraid or that they do not care about something. [US, informal]
1. If you say that something is done in a blaze of publicity, you mean that it is done in a very obvious or open way, so that everyone notices it or knows about it.
2. If you say that someone does something in a blaze of glory, you mean that they do it very successfully and with great energy and enthusiasm.
3. If someone goes through a particular experience or a particular period of time in a blaze of something, they experience it very intensely or in a particular way.
blaze [bleɪz]
1. A very large or fiercely burning fire.
2. A strong, bright, and quickly spreading light or fire.
3. A thing that creates a trail of bright light.
4. A mark or stain made on a surface, typically one made by dirt, paint, or blood.
5. An intense or fiercely burning emotion or reaction.
6. An intensely bright or vibrant area of a colour.
1. Burn fiercely or brightly.
2. Shine brightly or powerfully.
3. Begin to burn or shine with a bright flame or light.
4. Mark (a tree or path) with a blaze.
5. Make (a trail) easily visible by marking trees with blazes.
6. Achieve something in an impressive manner.
1. Used to express annoyance or surprise.
1. In a conspicuously showy or prominent manner.
2. With great energy and enthusiasm.
3. In a strong or vibrant colour.
4. Used to express annoyance or surprise.
5. Used to express anger or annoyance.
- They saw smoke and flames coming from the building.
- The forest fire blazed for hours before it was brought under control.
- She blazed a trail in the male-dominated industry.
- The team won the championship in a blaze of glory.
- The artist's work was exhibited in a blaze of publicity.
1. The fire grew into a blazing inferno, destroying everything in its path. (火势蔓延成了一场熊熊燃烧的地狱,摧毁了一切。)
2. The fireworks lit up the night sky with a brilliant blaze of color. (烟花在夜空中绽放出耀眼的彩光。)
3. The hikers marked the trail with blazes on the trees. (徒步旅行者在树上刻下了标记以标示道路。)
4. Her eyes blazed with anger as she confronted her accuser. (她愤怒地盯着那位指责她的人,怒火中烧。)
5. The singer's debut album was released to a blaze of publicity. (这位歌手的首张专辑在宣传狂潮中发布。)
6. The crowd cheered as the runner crossed the finish line in a blaze of glory. (观众欢呼着,选手辉煌地冲过终点线。)
7. The artist's vibrant paintings were exhibited in a blaze of color. (艺术家充满生机的画作以炫目的色彩展出。)
8. The old building was engulfed in a blaze that could be seen miles away. (这座老建筑被一片火焰吞噬,数英里外都能看到。)
9. The politician's scandal was exposed in a blaze of media coverage. (这位政治家的丑闻在媒体的大肆报道下曝光了。)
10. The team won the championship in a blaze of glory, with fans celebrating in the streets. (球队以辉煌的姿态赢得了冠军,球迷们在街上庆祝。)
11. The explorer blazed a trail through the dense jungle, making it easier for others to follow. (探险家在茂密的丛林中开辟出一条道路,方便了其他人的跟随。)
12. Her eyes blazed with determination as she faced the challenge. (她的眼神充满决心,面对着这个挑战。)
13. The politician's speech ignited a blaze of controversy. (这位政治家的演讲引发了一场争议的烈火。)
14. The forest was filled with the sound of crackling blazes. (森林里充满了欢快的火焰声。)
15. The hiker followed the blazes on the trees to stay on the trail. (徒步旅行者遵循树上的标记以保持在道路上。)
16. The artist's work stood out with its bold use of color and dramatic blazes. (这位艺术家的作品以大胆运用色彩和戏剧性的火焰效果脱颖而出。)
17. The firefighter bravely faced the blazing building to rescue trapped residents. (消防员勇敢地面对着熊熊燃烧的大楼,营救被困的居民。)
18. The company launched their new product in a blaze of publicity, capturing the attention of consumers. (公司以大肆宣传的方式推出了新产品,吸引了消费者的注意。)
19. The athlete ran with blinding speed, leaving her competitors in a blaze of dust. (这位运动员以令人眼花缭乱的速度奔跑,让她的竞争对手灰飞烟灭。)
20. The wildfire spread rapidly, engulfing the forest in a blaze that could be seen from miles away. (野火迅速蔓延,将森林吞没,火势数英里外可见。)